I go on a permanent field trip (this kinda like a prologue)

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I was having a good day, It has been 1 year since the giant war, and we finally had some peace....which of course didn't last long, There was this new kid about 16 years old his name was Theo Smith my half-brother, we got along pretty nicely, but a quest was issued to kill the trojan sea monster and only two people can go on this quest, Theo took the quest and asked me to acompany him.

I kept on giving him tips about where to go, but he was the one who made the decision. During the fight he got knocked out and I was the one who slayed it.

At camp he kept on ranting about how he killed the trojan sea monster while I was knocked out. He had gotten a ego which would make kronos a big ball of sunshine.

Everyone started worshiping him and figured I was old school. 

I even found annabeth cheating on me! that was the final straw, I packed my stuff, and caught sight of picture of annabeth and I, I took riptide and carved her face and threw it at my bunk.

I left forever.

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