Hell If I Forgive You!

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Raze POV 

I swallowed a imaginary lump in my throat. We were in the big house. Percy and I managed to drive the army back by ourselfs but.... we knew this was coming. Percy was sitting on our side, his legs on the pin-pong table, arms folded, glaring at the other side.

The first one to break the silence was the earthshaker "son w-" 

"Don't call me that" I nodded. You can't just throw away someone and then later call them son. Thats like saying 'The void is a paradise' and trust me thats far from it. 

Annabeth suddenly said "look Percy, plea-" she was cut off by percy again "as far as I remeber" his glare hardened "I didn't come here to listen to your apologies. I came here for the war meeting"

"Son p-"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!!" this time he shouted.

Posiedon stood up "you will respect me! I am your father and a god!" I resisted the urge to face-palm.'he is a total idiot'. Percy threw something at him, which he caught...it was Riptide. "Go a head, disown me. Thats all a stuck-up god like you can do." Posiedon looked shocked, which was soon replaced by anger. 

Percy glowed a dim sea-green light. When it died down, it seemed as if someone removed a part of him. His sea green eyes were now black.

To my shock he chuckled! "It feels like the weight of the sky has been lifted off my shoulders!" he exclaimed...happily.

Percy POV

"They are such losers" I stated blankly. Raze stoped walking "Aren't you worried about yourself, you are a excellent swordsman but you have no godly powers now!" I smiled at him, normaly someone would say some reassuring stuff...

"what is this! is Razey worried me!" I said while ruffling his hair. "You just got yourself a death warrent...."

Suddenly a black hole appeared next to him, he pulled out his sword. "O-oh, I was just kidding, t-take it e-easy" I took some step back. 


"Dang it, that guys knows how to be evil" I said. "Hey, it was your fault and you know it" 


"but he was right, you still need some godly powers besides mine" 

I looked down, he was right but I'm not gonna use there powers, but the other gods would be just not strong enough. "Hello" I looked up and saw lady Chaos standing in front of me. Now I know you should bow to the ruler of all,but I was in a pickle right now so..buzz off.


"whats wrong" she sat beside me. I sighed and told her everything, she was a good listener. 

"I know just the thing you need"


"Wait!" I turned around and saw them, Leo, Piper, Jason, Nico, Thalia, Annabeth, Reyna and Grover. I tried to conjure a ice sword...crap. I reached for riptide...it wasn't there. "What do you want"

Jason took a step forward "listen perce-"

"Percy" I corrected.

"Percy, we are sorry an-" 

"You are wasting your time" with that, I walked away..but they wouldn't give up so easily. Some one grabed my arm. It was her.

"Please-" I jerked my hand away and shouted "how many times do I have to tell you!! I will never forgive you!" 

My hands caught on my signature black-red fire. "Hell if I forgive you!!" I could feel my fire reaching my shoulder."Calm down! You don't want the Gods to get excuse to kill you!" 

I sighed and the fire extinguished. "If you ever come near me again" I turned around "you are ashes"

LINEBREAK (The next day)
Raze POV

"Where is he" I said impatiently waiting in the arena. Since he doesn't want to train with the campers, we decided that he will be training with us. He got along with the army, and they see him as a friend too. I heard the sound of door opening.

"Took your damn tim-"

My jaw droped. He came in wearing a black V shirt with black jeans. But the shocking part was that he was also wearing a black cloak(MULTIMEADIA) with white strips. A black sword sheathed on his back. The cloak was the sign of the...

"No way" Rev said from behind me.

"Yes way" I said.

He walked up to us. I grinned "Hi, brother"

He grinned back. "Wait, wait, wait" Rev said "Lady Chaos made you the Mythical hunter" he simply nodded.

Percy POV 

I unsheathed my new sword mom gave me. I grinned liking the idea of having a mother. Sally shifted to Texas with Paul and her newborn baby. When I had asked her if I could come with them she said 'I don't want to indanger my daughter percy, I'm sorry but please try to understand' 

The swords name is Repulser. It is pitch black with unlimted durability and is made so neatly that Hephaestus would drool over it."how long are you gonna space out" Raze said.

Without warning 5 chains shot towards me. Instead of dodging them I sprinted forward. Chain 1 came flying towards me like a bullet. I just spun to left neatly avoiding it. Chain 2 and chain 3 came flying together, I slashed at chain 3 and jumped above chain 2. "I'm not done yet!!" he shouted. The 3 remaining chains came from different direction, two from both of my sides and 1 from the front. I grabed the chain from my right side and slashed at the other two.

I spun around and blocked a attack from Raze. His huge sword already out of the black hole. I slashed at his side, he blocked with his sword. I took the opportunity and kneed him in the gut. Fortunately, that blew the wind out of him. My right hand caught on my black-red fire. I was about to punch him when I found out I couldn't, a chain was wraped around my hand.

Soon my hands, legs, stomach and neck was wraped in chains. "Guess I win"

I strugled to get free but soon enough found out I couldn't. I tried to think when I remebered what mom said in my dream.

"umm, mom?" I asked. She turned to me "yes"

"Do I have any Godly powers?"


"What is it" she smiles at me."Only you know about your powers Percy"

"Um, no I don't"

"You will soon"

Now would be great. I closed my eyes and tried to use it "well..it comes naturally, umm, like your water control" Raze had said to me.

I felt a familiar tug in my stomach and the next thing I knew I was behind Raze, my sword at his throat. "H-how"

"Instant teleportion" I said "My Godly power"




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