Chapter 2

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Waking up, you checked your surroundings. You didn't know how, it may have been your surroundings, but you were always fully alert when you awoke. No early-morning dizziness or fuzzy-headedness for you! You got out of your darks, which you'd fallen asleep in, and got into something more outdoor-friendly. You headed back to Grillby's. Since you had no remaining family you knew, no friends as you should never trust anyone, and no entertainment in your house as you didn't see the need to waste money on filling out your small apartment, you spent most of your time there, eavesdropping on local news and playing card games. You nodded to Grillby, and he got you a whiskey. You had a high alcohol tolerance, so having a drink this early in the day was no big deal. As you retrieve your drink, you recognise the same group from the previous night enter into the bar out of the corner of your eye, so you put your head down, and act like an early drunk, but keep watching their every move. Grillby gets what you're doing, and plays along. Unfortunately, Ponytail seems to recognise you, as she looks in your direction and murmurs something to the group, before coming over. "Hey. Who're you?" You kept the drunk façade by slurring your voice as you spit "Fuck off!" into her face. She complies, but not before backhanding you across the face. Surprised, and not a little angry, you let the façade slip off, as you jump up and floor her, before looking around in time to see blue-eye (his eye wasn't blue at that moment in time, but that was his nickname) aiming at you with a dull-silver pistol. With your excellent reflexes you duck down beneath the path of the bullet and slide toward him, also sliding the long knife out of it's sheath. Sliding under his outstretched arm, you cut into Ponytail's leg causing her to fall over again, tripping the tall one and flooring the human, before leaping up to face blue-eye across the diner. You see by the way his pupils flickered behind you, his blue eye appeared, and his blue magic started ghosting faintly around him, that he was going to teleport right behind you, but you slide (again) backward and between his legs and use your arms to trip him into a pile with the others. Looking around to the entire pub staring at you incredulously, you left.

You didn't know just how important that encounter would be.

(419 words)

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