2. Blue Dresses and Girl's Day

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{A/N: All of the Korean in this chapter is either  courtesy of my friends over at HelloTalk or Google Translated}




"If you were going to be late, a nice text message would've been perfect."

I shoveled another ladle of frosted flakes into my mouth.. If she'd just bought me a new phone like we'd discussed...

"Ma, I tolf u dat I jus vokeup!"

There was an audible gasp from her and in the background. I should've guessed everyone was already there. Wonderful.

"Are you eating right now?! You can't eat before my fitting. Its bad luck!"

I swallowed.

"Mom a little bit of frosted flakes won't hurt you." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You're kidding, right? Those things are packed with sugar--"

End Call.

My mom was not normally this needy and annoying. It was only since a couple weeks when Paul proposed to her that she became a total bridezilla. I loved the woman but she had some serious control problems.

Finishing the last of the flakes, I gulped down the sugary milk as fast as I could.

Since I was already dressed, the last thing I did was struggle greatly with putting my large hair into a braid and grabbed my mini backpack (which I preferred over a purse) along with a pair of old gym shoes and I headed out the door. The bus stop was only a block away from my place, which I thanked God for.

Tiffani's Bridal Shop was on East Kellog (hehe like my cereal) focus, Fi. Ok east downtown station is the 13th stop on the 64B bus. When you don't have a car, you learn your bus routes. It was a Saturday, so that line came every 20 minutes or so. But wait what time was it now? I plunged my hand into my jacket pocket only to find it empty. Oh no no no.

I dropped the bag from my shoulders and desperately fished through each pocket in search for my cell phone. Crap. Again. I left it on the table. Great.

I wouldn't be able to get through this stupid fitting without my phone. So, of course, I turned around and practically sprinted back to my apartment.

The streets were less than crowded, it being a Saturday morning. But still a fair amount of people walked the block. Which meant more people I had to dodge on my way back home. God, this was like the hallways in high school. Yeah, You're on the Street, Walk Faster (A/N: waddup Luan Legacy reference)

Once I arrived at the main apartment building door and unlocked it, I  skipped two stairs at a time to get to my personal door. I fumbled with my keys and eventually inserted the right one into the keyhole. Dashing into the kitchen, I grabbed my phone off the table. Then, of course, I left and locked the door behind me. When I turned, a body stood silently behind me and I jumped a fairly high distance into the air.

"Oh my god you scared the hell out of me!"

It was the tall guy who I gave that drumstick to.

The flashback to last night came faster than I expected.

The names, the dabbing, the song. They were my neighbors, the band from next door.

The morning sunlight poured in to reveal long hair that was let down and pushed behind one ear. I noticed it was only to his shoulder, but on him it worked. Well. The only thing that threw me off was the fact that he stood there alone with a shoulder bag over his body so if he was going somewhere.

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