4. Kdrama IRL

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{A/N: Dedicated to parkprince32 for the cool cover and wallpaper. :D Thank you!

Also this part is not edited/spellchecked. There may be some errors.}

"What do you mean he doesn't know?!"

"Just that I didn't exactly tell him..."


"Exactly what I said," Jonghyun also face palmed.

There wasn't much time to scold Minhyuk because Yonghwa walked onto the stage (looking quite fresh with gelled hair I might add). He adjusted the cuff of his jacket as he walked up to us, looking down.

"Yah eodi-" he started until he looked up, eyes meeting mine. "Neo~" he looked at his friends and said some things somewhat angrily in Korean

"Hey, hyung, be nice!"

"Yeah you're the one who took forever. We just invited her as a friend and fan."

Jonghyun turned to me. "Sorry, he gets...testy before shows. Especially now since Mara. Is here"

"To be honest I didn't understand anything he said anyway."

"Yah you told this ahjumma about that?!"

Minhyuk shrugged. "Wasn't some big secret. I even think that ahjumma can help."

"Can we please stop calling me that? I'm not even a whole year older than Minhyuk, and I'm pretty sure half of you are older than me."

The two ignored me and began bickering alone in Korean.

Jonghyun yawned with a bored expression. He then proceeded to use my shoulder like an arm rest.

"They're roommates. They go at it a lot." Seeing my concerned and confused face, he clarified, "Oh no of course they still love each other, I mean, Minhyuk let him date his sister."

As Jonghyun and I watched the scene unfold, bass boy set down his instrument and decided to join our viewing party, using my other shoulder for his arm as well.

These guys knew they had a show in like 5 minutes right?

"Hyung," The guy looked, confused, at Jonghyun and then pointed to the two feuding friends.

"Gwenchana, Jungshin-ah. They're just being idiots."

Yonghwa yelled at Minhyuk, and Minhyuk yelled back, albeit slightly cuter but I assumed his words held just as much venom judging by the looks on the J's faces. They listened intently with remarks like "Dayyyumm" and "Got eem!"

"What? I don't get it..."

"Oh you don't wanna know." Jonghyun shook his head, then, as if he decided it was enough, he attempted to break up the heated argument. "Ok that's enough. Hyung, Hyukkie, bot of you settle down. Remember we have a show.".

The boys gave each other death glares, but begrudgingly returned to their instruments. Jungshin looked down at me apologetically and shrugged. He said something, but to be honest, his angular collar bones were showing from his low cut top and I didn't catch a broken word he said. He turned around to go back to his bass and that pulled me out of my spell. The curtain began to open and I took this opportunity to go and stand in the corner of the stage, past the curtain to not be seen.

From what I saw, quite a crowd was gathered at the front of the stage and the girl who stood in the back let a smug smile creep onto her face. Ugh I already didn't like this hoe. No offense, Minhyuk.

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