6. Somewhat Difficult Decisions

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Knock knock knock
Before I even knew I was asleep, a knock on the door startled me into consciousness.. I whined, pulling my face out of the couch and finding the will to sit up. Getting woken up once again involuntarily, this was just not my week.
I grabbed my phone to see the time but it was dead. Great. With my curtains shut tight I couldn't tell if the sun was rising or already up.
“Who is it?” I asked in a hoarse morning voice, then cleared my throat.
“It's your mother!” The voice behind the door sang back.
“Just a minute… “ I panicked. “I'll be right there.”
It was really happening. This was not a drill. My mother was right outside of my door requesting access. Without Kaylie here, I can't even call for backup!
I bolted into the kitchen and grabbed any signs of bad lifestyle choices… so, literally everything.
I did what I could, running and roughly stuffing any old wrappers, pizza boxes, used napkins, etc. inside a garbage bag. The edible things, I shoved into cabinets and in the fridge behind the big things like the half a carton of- expired milk?! Yikes that's gotta go too.
“Fiona~ don't make me use my spare key.”
“Coming, mother! Give me a minute, I'm- uh- using the bathroom.”
“Ooookayy… “
Last but not least, I sprinted to my room to grab the Healthy Living cookbook she'd bought me and threw it, askew, on the table to make it look like I'd been flipping through it.
Halfway to the front door, I realized I hadn't fixed my hair. Well, too late now.
I mentally prepared for what was to come and opened the door slowly with both hands.
I barely had time to register her face before I was swept into a bear hug.
“Daughter!” She cheered.
“Mother! What are you doing here? And so early?” I kept my voice cheerful, but Nervous laughter took over me.. Then it immediately stopped when I saw who was standing a couple feet back, over her shoulder. Jonghyun, holding a large box labeled “WEDDING” in big, black marker.
“Early? It's almost eleven AM. I even called a few times, but you wouldn't answer.”
“What are you doing?” I mouthed to Jonghyun. He shrugged also nervously..
“Oh, right.” Mom gasped and pulled back from our hug, holding me at an arms length by the shoulders. “This nice, handsome young man helped me carry this awfully heavy box up the stairs. Please thank him!” She then dodged around me and went right into my apartment. I moved for Jonghyun to follow her and put the box down in front of my couch. He bowed to my mom, then quickly left the room, but he remained outside of my door to look at me awkwardly.
“Is something going on?” I asked him. My patience was wearing thin with this whole situation.
“See, the thing is… yonghwa-”
“Oh god. Look, thanks for helping my mom, but I have to go.” I turned into my apartment, not wanting to hear any of this anymore. Before I could turn all the way around. A hand gently grabbed my forearm.
“Wait.,” he said. “Yonghwa is… sulking again, and Minhyuk has been in his room for hours now, plotting in a pretty loud way. Something has to happen, because we're just going to keep deteriorating. We need them, and they need you to need us enough to help them because we need the,m. Got it?” My blank, extremely confuzzled face was most likely enough to convey that I had barely any idea what he meant with all of those “need”s, let alone me being the key to all of this. They got themselves and me out of it, and it was somehow my responsibility to get all of us out of it? Plus, don't think I didn't notice Jonghyun's 50 cent word for a second language English speaker.
Since I kinda didn't really understand, I nodded anyway.
“Whatever Minhyuk is planning better be genius” and I shut the door.
Mom had already made herself comfortable on the couch. Surprisingly, she wasn't hunting for things in my apartment to criticize. She opened the box Jonghyun dropped off, and seeing that it was filled with wedding magazines, I mentally rolled my eyes.
“What's all this for?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
Instead of answering, she pushed a page full of dress designs in front of me with a finger pointing to the showiest looking one. “What do you think of this one? Honest opinion,” she said. It was more like ‘this is the one I'm getting and I wanna make sure we're on the same page here.”
I shrugged. “If it's what you want, Mom.”
She smiled brightly at me. I could see the things I got from here genetically. Big white smile, rich skin tone, curly hair (although hers was straight at the moment.) and half deep brown eyes. My father’s were on the lighter brown side.
“Ok, so now I'm going to pick the perfect layout for the bouquet and you… I know how much you like food, so you can help pick the cake design.”
“Wow, Mom. How insightful.”

After about an hour of looking through the stack of wedding cake catalogues, I sighed, bored out of my mind. But mostly, I had something else on my conscience.. Last night at Angel’s stayed playing through my head on a loop. There was such thing as moral obligation, right? I dropped my magazines back in the box.
“What's wrong, honey?” Mom said and looked up at me.
“Um… if your friend dragged you into something… and you ended up being the cause of someone else's pain… what should you do?”
She looked past me, thinking about it.
“I'd Make it Right.”
(Whoa shout out to whoever gets this lol)
Technically, although it wasn't my fault, I had an obligation to help out my neighbors, didn't I? That's totally what Jesus would do.
Suddenly a certain melody with a familiar beat crept up over our conversation. Mom laughed nervously and snatched her phone off the couch.
“Mom,” I said before she answered the phone. “Shake it off?”
“What?!” Since I caught her, she got defensive. “T Swizzle is… what do you say these days… bae. I have all of her albums on my cloud.” The saddest part was, she seemed totally serious saying this and completely surprised when I bursted into laughter.
“Oh, God,” I shook my head in shame for her.
“Hello?” She said. Pause. “Ok, calm down, calm down. I'll be there in a minute.”
She stood quickly and started packing up her things.
“What happened?” I stood with her to help carry the box to the car again.
“Aunt Susan called and she's freaking out about some online form for venue registration… I gotta go. See you probably next weekend?”
“Of course… where did you park?”
After we gathered everything, she opened the door for me and we juggled everything back to her parking space.
“Bye,” she gave me a hug and within minutes she was driving off again.

It was now mid day and hot enough to bet that somewhere in the world, Jimin had decided to take off his shirt.
Fanning myself, I returned to the building. Of course, realizing I'd forgotten my keys in my apartment. Great. This could be a problem since we had no other neighbors.
I sighed, my only option at this point to ring the doorbell of the boys next door.
I could only imagine the kind of torture I'd be subject to if Yonghwa answered. But my finger and the sweltering heat betrayed me.
I waited for a minute before buzzing again. By now they should've been able to get over their jet lag and had plenty of time to adjust to the new time zone. So somebody better let me in.
“Who is it?” The buzzer rang back. That was Jonghyun’s voice, I presumed.
“Hey it's your only neighbor…“
“I'm coming down.”
Uh oh.
He was coming down? Did he not know there was a button to unlock the front door? I mean how else did my mom get in? You know what, actually I don't wanna know the answer to that.
Lo and behold, here was Jonghyun skipping down the stairs holding…a legal pad? Oh great I take this as he's not letting me in just yet..
We made eye contact for a split second before he took to the note as with a big marker. I rolled my eyes and let my arms cross themselves. Really?
He held up the paper to the door for me to read:
Have you thought about it?
I sighed. Since I had no way to communicate, I simply nodded.
He did one of those hand gestures that meant And…
I shrugged.
He scribbled for a good 20 seconds.
None of us have practiced or even talked since yesterday..
I shrugged again. I knew that I should try something, probably anything at this point, but what exactly?
It wasn't until I saw something from the corner of my eye did I understand what this meant to them. Sleepy Jungshin, with his hair up and wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a very nice muscle shirt, lord, was slowly climbing down the steps. Jonghyun shooed him and said something in Korean that from what I heard was telling him to go back upstairs because of something I didn't understand in Korean.
But he gave me a look that seemed so genuinely sympathetic it tugged on my heartstrings not just because he looked undeniably handsome right now.
Jonghyun sighed and opened the door. Immediately, as I stepped through it, the air conditioned atmosphere let a huge weight off my shoulders, although the sun was still bearing down on all of us, casting yellowish beams onto all of our faces.
None of us said a word, but Jonghyun looked into my eyes sincerely. At this point I somewhat understood. No matter what exactly happened, Minhyuk’s intentions were good, and Yonghwa just went through a bad breakup.. If there was something I could do to help my neighbors, I'd do it for my own peace as well.
“Okay,” I said. His face went smug and you could tell he was holding back a very obvious smile. “But… we need a plan to get everyone together.”
“Well good thing I have a few ideas.”

Omg it's been MONTHS
Sorry for the constantly late updates. I'm writing this in English class XD
Well, hope you guys enjoyed the rushed, long overdue chapter here. Thanks for putting up with me!!

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