This Is Going To Be A Long Day...

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"The world is going to explode in 15 minutes!"

I fell off my seat in surprise.

My day started with a scream.


My head jolted up from the pillow. I yelped as my head collided with my sister's. Rubbing her her forehead angrily, my 14 year old sister Emma pulled the covers off.

"It's already 8:00" she shouldered her backpack, "You're going to be late. Again."

"Wow, you start screaming five minutes earlier than yesterday." I forced a fake smile for my 14 year old sister Emma.

She glared at me and I glared at her. It's kind of a game with play.

I mumbled proudly as I laid my head back down on my pillow, pulling the covers up to my chin. I was ready to drift back into a deep sleep when my mom threw open the door and came storming in.

"Can't you ever knock?" I grumbled irritated as I pulled the covers over my head. I turned grumpily towards Emma. "That goes for you too."

She pulled my covers off of my face and I got a great view of the monster in front of me.

For one thing, my mom was not a morning person. She had major bed hair and was still in her oversize footy pajamas.

"Addison time to get up!" Emma and my mom said in sync.

"Five more minutes!" I begged, closing my eyes once more.

"The bus'll be here in 10 minutes!" she slammed the door behind her. "Get ready fast!"

I groaned and grabbed the covers, tucking my in before laying my head back on the pillow.

"What are you doing?"

My fourteen year old sister threw open the door, blond hair perfectly brushed, and her uniform sporting no wrinkles. "Mom said told you get out of bed already."

"Easy for you to say, Emma." I grumbled, throwing a pillow at her. "You're school starts thirty minutes after mine."

"First of all," my sister adjusted her glasses and threw the pillow back at me. "Even if my school starts later than yours, I still get up earlier. Second of all, you're only jealous because I made it into the good schools and you didn't."

I sighed, throwing another pillow at her. "I'm so tired of your stupid bragging. Get lost!"

"I will not leave until you get up!" she crossed her arms, "We can do it the easy way or the hard. Your choice." Her face darkened.

"I said GO AWAY!"I hollered, temper rising.

"And I said no! Get up!"


"If you don't get up now, I'll-I'l go to your school and- and- and I'll go and give you your lunchbox! Yah, I'll give you your lunch box in the middle of class."

I looked at her, disappointed by her empty threats.

"And then, you know, I'll do something really embarrassing, like I'll- um-"

"If I get out of bed right now, will you shut up?"

She nodded eagerly.

I pouted as I rolled out of bed, untangling myself from the covers. Emma grinned,bursting with pride.

"Mom I did it!"she screamed as she let my room, "I got her out of bed. Are you proud of me?"

"Ug," I growled, watching her leave, "Stupid bratty sisters."

Still letting out along groan, I dragged my feet to the bathroom, hoping to be able to brush my teeth and quickly skim my closet at the same time.

But I was out of toothpaste and I had no clean pants.

"This is going to be a long day..." I grumbled to myself as I stumbled down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Bye mom!" I screamed. I grabbed a granola bar and a banana and headed to the door. I rushed out to the porch. With a quick glance at me watch, I mentally whooped, thinking I had five minutes to play on my phone.

Placing my back pack on the swing, I rummaged through the pockets. As my fingers traced the zipper of another random pocket, I remembered it was that pocket that I kept all my secret items in.

I unzipped it,peeking in with a smile. A second later, my smile disappeared and I screamed.

"What? What's going on?" my mom asked, panicked, as she threw open the door.

"Where's Jasper?"I gasped, dumping all my books out of my backpack.


"My dog? The one I always keep with me?"

"Your-oh, that..." Sighing, my mom leaned against the door frame and pressed her fingers to her temple. "I put it in your room whenI cleaned out your backpack yesterday."

"WHY?"I screamed, pounding the wall with my fists, "YOU KNOW I ALWAYS BRING HIM TO SCHOOL FOR GOOD LUCK!"
"Oh come on. You're too old for that stuff now Addison."

"Yah,grow up!" Emma appeared next to mom. "I don't have any imaginary friends any more."

"Jasper is not imaginary!" I felt my face heat up with anger for the second time in 10 minutes. "He has feelings you know!"

"Sure."Emma rolled her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her. She turned on her heel and stomped back inside.

"Mom where'd you put him?" I asked anxiously once Emma was out of sight.

"The pile of Emma's old stuffed animals in the laundry room."

"I gotta go get him!" I whipped my head towards the door, but before I  could take a step, the sound bus pulling into my driveway made my head turn.

"Addison neither you or I have time for this." my mom picked my backpack off the floor and placed it on my shoulder. "You can put him back in your backpack after school, now go!"

I glanced nervously up the driveway at the bus doors closing as and make a quick decision.

"Okay fine, but he better look brand new when I get home." I warned. My mom smiled with relief.

"Yes, yes of course."

I ran up the hill, screaming and waving my arms. My bus driver waited for me, as he does everyday. I hoped on the bus, skipping all the steps at once.

"That's 12 seconds earlier than yesterday." my bus driver told me as I put my elbows on my knees and tried to catch my breath.

"I feel so proud." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled, a smile barely visible underneath his bushy beard.

I looked around. There were no open booths. I grumbled realizing I would have to squeeze in between two other people.

 "As I said before," I muttered scanning the bus for anyone willing to share their seat, "this is going to be a long day.

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