Where Are You Going?

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I was too busy gaping to notice the dozens of kids all around me, screaming and crying like the world was going to end.

"I need to go talk to my mom!" I heard one girl scream once I was out of my trance.

"And I need to help my sister!" a boy screamed hysterically.

"And I need to see my dad!" cried a boy to my right.

I watched as all my classmates filed not-so-calmly out the door to see if they could catch their families before the world exploded.

Now, you may be wondering why I wasn't running with the crowd of sobbing children. After a short while of thinking, I had decided to use my last five minutes wisely, not saying goodbye to my family. I would spend my last moments of breath doodling on the whiteboard the teacher would never let us touch.

The moment I pressed the pen to the beautiful board, Emma stormed in,interrupting me as always. For a moment I wondered what she was doing here, then I realized that her school, which was about a block away,must've had the same announcement. Her cheeks were red and her breath ragged: she must've been running.

"What do you want this time," I groaned.

"What are you doing?" Emma stomped over and wrestled the marker out of my hands. "The world is ending and you're standing here, drawing on a whiteboard?" 

"Not just any whiteboard," I said defensively, "the whiteboard. The one that Ms. Jefferson never lets me touch."

Emma clenched her teeth, nostrils flared. "If only you loved your family as much as you loved Jonah."
"His name is Jasper, and-" I gasped."Jasper! I left him at home!"

"Yah, yah," Emma rolled her eyes, "As I was saying- hey where are you going!"

I was three steps out of the school by the time Emma realized I was gone.

"ADDISON!"Emma screamed through the hallways, "WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GOING AT THIS TIME?"

 I turned around and looked at my raging sister, and gave her an exasperated look, as if she was being even more stupid today. "I'm going to get Jasper."


Hey guys!! I decided to make my chapters a bit shorter because long chapters can get REALLY annoying. Thanks for all the follows, btw. Please vote and comment, I'll take all of your suggestions! I'll try to update soon. BYE!!!

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