The Beginning of the End

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It was math, my least favorite class, when it happened. Alarms blared over the speakers, bright red lights flashed from every direction blinding me as well as everyone else in the school.

I blocked my ears and closed my eyes, but the red light still flashed in the back of the my eyelids.

 I was tempted to hide under the desk and cover my head with my pillow I hide in my backpack (you never know when a particularly boring science class will take place) but it was too early in the day to loose my dignity. That usually happens around lunch.

Most of my classmates were talking- no, that's an understatement- shouting  among themselves while looking around in confusion and bewilderment. Others were taking advantage of the teacher's distraction and making dirty jokes and gestures to each other.

Distantly, I heard a girl shout over the alarms, 

"When did the fire alarms become so loud?"

The teacher looked at the girl who asked with a desperate look and, with her fingers jammed in her ears, replied,

"This is not a fire drill. I don't know what this is, but it's definitely not a fire drill."

"Hello students," our principal's strained voice came on the intercom, "I'm sorry for the interruption, I don't-"
There was an inaudible argument on the other end and a new voice took over the intercom.

 "The world is going to explode in 15 minutes!"
I fell off my seat in surprise.  


Sorry the chapters so short, I didn't know what other information I can put... so SORRY! Hope you guys like this, please comment and vote (unless you hate it) and I will try my hardest to update more often.

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