Chapter 1

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Being a "lady" was almost like killing yourself in the eyes of Blair Blake.

No, killing yourself was preferable to being a "lady." All the rules you had to follow, and the puffy dresses, and the manners! It made Blair's head spin. That is why she chose to train herself to fight. She would be a brave warrior! There was just one problem, woman were not allowed to join the army.

That one fact almost killed all the hope she had. Key word almost.

She trained as hard as she could, pushing her body to the best it could be. Her glare alone could scare a man half to death, but when you added her practlcally unbeatable fighting skills? Blair was a force to be reckoned with.

Blair lived alone, in a small house, in a small village, in a huge kingdom called Gotham. Her parents were dead a long time ago, so she raised herself. She was serious and could seem cruel, but she could be very caring as well. Or she could rip out your eyes without missing a beat.

One day, the two of the King's gaurds rode into Blair's villiage.

"We have an offical proclaim from the King!" All the people stopped and stared, even Blair poked her head out of her home's window. "Every family must send one eligible male to fight in the King's army. Come and receive your instructions now! Amber!"

A man went to get the paper.


Blair knew her name be skipped, what did she expect.

"Colins! Fessie! Freebuger!"

Blair admired the large crowd, the people of the town were nice enough.

"Jackelson! Janbugs! Killens!"

Ugh, the Janbugs. Their oldest son would ofter come to the tavern Blair used to work at and constantly hit on her. She may or may not have broken every bone in his arms for it.

"Witman! And finally Weih!"

"NO! PLEASE NO!" A woman came running towards the gaurds. "M-my husband, Christopher Weih served on the last war."

"We have many veterans helping our cause Miss."

"Bu-but he can not walk at all he is paralyzed from the waist down."

Barbara felt sorry for the man. She couldn't imagin not being able to move.

The one of the gaurds took out a large roll of paper. "According to these records you have a son....."

"You can not be serious, He is only 10."

"I am quite serious, you must have a man representing your home." He threw the assignment down on her. "If not there will be a severe punishment. YAH!" With that the two gaurds were riding away.

Mrs. Weih was sitting on the ground crying, Blair felt her heart breaking. She went to the woman and sat next to her.

"I am truly sorry that happened to you."

"I-I just don't wa-want my son to be in a war. He's so young, if only someone could take his place."

Blair spoke without thinking, "I have a brother."


"A brother his name is ....Blake! Yes, Blake., that is his name. He would take your family's place."

The woman's eyes once again filled with tears, but this time she was smiling. "I can NEVER thank you enough. My family will stay together because of you." She hugged Blair tightly. "Thank you so much."

Blair could barely hear the woman's words of praise. She was top busy trying to figure out how she was going to get a "brother" to serve in the Weih's place.

Blair The Knight {A Blair Todd And Mulan Hybrid}Where stories live. Discover now