Chapter 8

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Blair woke up she did it very slowly. She felt what must be silk sheets surrounding her and a soft nightgown on her skin. It was all so wonderful she layed there, unmoving, for a considerable amount of time.

Eventually, she started to get up before she was pulled back suddenly. She turned her head towards her wrist which was handcuffed to the bed post. She scanned the room for anything she could pick the lock with and found nothing. She ran a hand through her thick, black hair and didn't find a bobby pin.

There was a knock on her door and Blair jumped. A man, dressed in the clothes of a butler, opened it.

"Ah, Miss Blake, you are awake. How wonderful." He spoke with a British accent.

"How do you know who I am?"

"How silly of me! I never introduced myself. My name is Alfred Pennyworth. I work for the royal family making sure all their needs are accounted for. I also am in charge of the castle staff."

"That is wonderful......can you unhandcuff me?" Blair asked as she raised up her hand to show emphasis.

"I am afraid I cannot. You have committed a crime, Miss Blake. Until the king makes his decision on what happens to you, you must stay handcuffed."

"What can I do until then?"

"Wait." With that, Alfred turned and left the room.

Blair sat on the bed and came to a hard and fast truth. They knew. The king, the princes, everyone knew.

Blair ran her hand over her completely bandaged covered stomace.

She had committed a crime punishable by death, why on earth was she alive?

"Blair!" Blair was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Pixie. "I was so worried about you! You've been unconscious for almost a week-"

"I've been unconscious for almost a week?!"

"Yeah. I'll explain. You and King Joker stabbed each other at the same time, but his wound was fatal. His body was burned just to make sure he was really dead. All the best doctors were rushed to the castle to take care of you, that's when it was discovered you were a woman. After that happened, the whole royal family was split on whether or not you should live or go to jail or be honnered as a war hero. They're currently still debating on what should happen to you."

"Alright, who's on my side."

"King Bruce is super conflicted. Prince Timothy thinks you should be executed or thrown in a jail cell until the day you die. Prince Richard thinks you should be thrown in jail for a few years. Prince Jason thinks you should be able to keep your metal of honor and not be thrown in jail. Damian thinks the same."

"Wait, are you are on a first name basis with Prince Damian?"

"That is not what's important right now!"

"Yes, it is."

"Alright fine. We're friends."


"Blake, if you continue singing that song I will kill you myself."

Blair and Pixie looked at the door where the youngest Prince was standing.

"My father has made his decision."

Blair gulped. Damian chained her wrists together so she could stand.

"Blake, if father...if you do not live.....I want you to know that you were an adequate solider." Pixie sobbed and hugged her best friend.

Blair gave Pixie a weak grin before looking at Damian. "Let's go."

Prince Damian and Blair walked through the hall of the castle. Blair's stomace was somewhere in her knees and her mind was everywhere at once.

If she did die, who would take care of her horse?

Who would make sure Pixie didn't work herself to death?

Who would support the budding relationship between Pixie and Damian?

When Blair relized she was no longer being led through the castle it took her brain a second to catch up. She was in a large throne room. There was one huge throne directly in front of her and four smaller ones surrounding the big one. Each throne sat one of the royal family members. Also in the room was Mr. Pennyworth and several gaurds.

It was the king who spoke first. "Miss Blake, are you aware that you have committed a crime punishable by death?"

"Yes your highness."

"Are you aware that many woman have been executed because of this crime?"

"Yes your highness."

"Are you aware that your fate now rests in my hands?"

"Yes your highness."

"Do you have anything you would like to say before I say my decision?"

"Yes. I want every man in this room to know, I do not regret what I did. If given the chance I would do it again. I do not belive an anicent rule should dictate who is allowed to fight for their kingdom. You can remember me as insane woman with fantasies of being more than a man's personal birthing machine, or you can remember me as a person who fought to protect the kingdom of Gotham. Just do not remember me as a someone who made a mistake, because, to me, this was the greatest decision I have ever made."

"Kneel," The King commanded. Blair did as she was told. The King took the sword Alfred was holding. "Blair Blake," She flinched, preparing for death, "by the power vested in me, I knight you, Lady Blair Blake of Gotham. May all know your bravery and sacrifice."

Blair felt the metal fall from her wrists.

"I'm...I'm a knight?"

"Yes. You took the place of a young boy, you fought with every ounce of your heart and soul, you were willing to sacrifice yourself to kill an insane tyrant, and you saved the life of my son. I am forever in debt to you Lady Blair."

All the Princes stared back at her with a mixture of surprise and awe. A femal knight was unheard of.

"Father, since Blake is a knight, does it mean that woman can now join the army?" Damian questioned.

"Yes, Damian, it does. Come to think of it.....Richard will be starting his own  family soon with Barbara. Blair can take Richard's place and work with Jason."

"Wait, I NEVER agreed to working with Blair-" Jason stated.

"It's settled then! Jason amd Blair will work together," Bruce said, completely ignoring his son's imput.

Jason pouted like a petulant child.

"Awwww. Is Prince Jason scared of me, a mere woman, taking over his control." Blair sarcastically cooed.

"No," He spat back, "and don't think I'll be nice to you just because I know you are a woman now."

"I also saved your life, but don't worry, I already know you're never nice to woman in general."

"I'm actually an extraordinary gentleman."

"Ha! I believe that when I see it, Prince Todd."

Blair curtsied to the king. "Now, if you all would excuse me, I have to go use my new title as the first female knight to get Pixie to make me my weight in brownies."

Blair The Knight {A Blair Todd And Mulan Hybrid}Where stories live. Discover now