Chapter 6

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Blake buckled the armor and stared at the mirror. Pixie's very convincing 'Don't die' speech came floating back into Blair's mind. She couldn't leave her best friend without saying goodbye.


Blake grabbed his helmet and joined the formation of soliders. Jason was in full armor (minus the helmet) and was pacing back and forth in front of his men (and woman).

"This is not going to be easy. The Joker's forces are merciless. They will rip you apart."

Prince Bastard should really become a motivational speaker, Blair thought.

"We will fight with every ounce of our being, and if we fall, we fall as heros."

Price Richard yelled, "LONG LIVE THE KING!" Which was echoed by everyone present.

"Alright, men. Let's kill the Clown Prince."
Blood. It seemed to stretch on for miles. The once lush green feud was coating in blood and dead bodies.

The Joker's side fought with a bow and arrow, so they could stay as far away from Gotham's forces as possible.

Blake slashed his sword through a weak spot on the armor and watched as another man fell. He was coated in blood, some his own and some of others.

The most disturbing cackle Blair had ever heard rang through the her years. From where she was standing, the whites of the monster's eyes were almost visable. Blake tried to go for his head but her sword was knocked out of her hand. Prince Joker smiled a wicked grin before slashing his sword anginst Blake's shoulder, causing a deep wound.

"BLAKE HIT THE DECK!" A fimilar voice rang out. Blake dropped to the ground and tried to ignore the white hot pain from the shoulder wound.

Then it happened.

The arrow seemed to go in slow motion as it hit a almost invisible hole I'm the armor. The arrow hit right below the heart and watched as the Prince dropped to the ground.

Prince Jason was still holding the bow when he grabbed Blake and rushed him to safety.

"Y-you just killed Prince Joker. You just won the war for Gotham."
Almost everyone was drunk. Blair was still trying to figure out where the beer came from, but that wasn't as important as tending to her wound.

Blair flinched. The cut hurt like hell and was den finally leaving a scar. Everyone was too drunk, celebrating the win, to notice Blake was not present.

Blair he wrapped he chest and put a shirt back on before walking into the party filled tent. All the men were yelling, singing, and chugging beer.

Blake found one of the only sober people in the tent, Prince Damian. He was drawing a picture of a great dane.

"That's a good drawing," Blake said before sitting down.

"Tt. I know."

"Is that a specific dog?"

"Yes, his name is Titus; he lives at the castle. I shall be seeing him soon, along with my other animals."

"What do you mean?"

"Joker is dead. There is not a war to fight anymore. We all return to our homes tomorrow."

Blair The Knight {A Blair Todd And Mulan Hybrid}Where stories live. Discover now