Math vs. Pound Cake

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Gubints: Dude, I just wanted to ask like 20 "why" questions in a row... I feel like I'm two again ^.^ 

Ezmar: lol not trying to be funny but...why? And sorry my computer died and I was too busy eating chocolate chip pound cake to plug it back in.  

Gubkints: No problem but now my mouth is watering d: *shrug* Just because. Not sure. I was just thinking, "Why is it 11? How? Why is time time? Why is it like that?" Then I kept answering myself and saying "why" to my answers XD  

Ezmar: Hahaha Shakespeare Jr.

Gubkints: Girl, no XD lol. How was that chocolate cookie cake thing? I'm gonna go eat, now i'm super hungry.

Ezmar: Pound cake?

Gubkints: Yeah that XD

Ezmar: hahaha chocolate cookie cake thing

Gubkints: YUP :D

Ezmar:  Wat u have 4 lunch?

Gubints:  mac 'n' cheese

Ezmar: Yup! I just had pound cake, shame

Gubkints: Why shame?

Ezmar: That is not a healthy lunch!   

Gubkints: oh lol, but it's yummy

Ezmar:  Better than the math I'm doing

Gubkints: Right?

Ezmar: Totally, this problem has no relevance to what I'll do in real life.

Gubkints: Hahaha!

Ezmar: None!

Gubkints: Ugh sometimes I feel like a genius who has learned a great language when I understand math, but other times (like now) I just want it to go away because I don't want to understand it XD

Ezmar: Ik! Math makes u feel smarter but then makes u want to tell that algebra joke about how x doesn't want to be found.

Gubkints:  lol but it's worse than x rn. g of f(x) or f of g(x) Where's this number? WHAT?

Ezmar: Yeah! And why would I want to know the area of a can? who cares, I just want the food in it!

Gubkints: hahahahahaha! exactly~ Who just looks at a can and thinks, "Hmm, I wonder. How much space is inside of this?"

Ezmar: NO ONE!

Gubkints: Well...I might. You never know. XD

Ezmar:  Wondering isn't the same as actually sitting down to do a math problem to find the answer though

Gubkints: Very true.

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