Zoning Out

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Gubkints:  HAHAHA! I turned on my music, and then I couldn't figure out why it wasn't playing. It was paused.

Ezmar: lol i did that once with a book i was listening to

Gubkints: XD

Ezmar: It took a while to load so i was off thinking about what might happen nxt before it started. I realized 10 min later that it wasn't playing and that I was just making the story line up in my head.

Gubkints: lol!

Ezmar: Ikr? I've always been like that. Zoning out while reading and making my own plot .

Gubkints: It must be a fun habit though

Ezmar:  indeed, if ur in the house. not walkin' 'round a mall. i learned not to read while walking around in public.

Gubkints: luckily, I have never done that XD

Ezmar: Yeah I mean I've never walked into anyone. but when i do it my steps falter and meanwhile my families crossing the street yards away!

Gubkints: I've done that while yardsale-ing and at sports events and at the zoo... *reads for a bit* *looks up* "where'd everyone go?"

Ezmar: lel

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