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Staying out all night always come back to bite me in the ass. I yawned my hangover hitting me hard.

My phone rang waking me up from falling asleep again. I was going to leave it ringing until I realize it could be Mia calling me.

I rolled over on my back and unplugged my phone before answering it.

"Yes" I answer. She immediately starts yelling.

"Where are you? The last time I saw you, you left with some guy named Christian." Damn even she remembered his name.

"I'm fine and I got home safe earlier this morning." I was now out of bed and going to use the bathroom. "Okay good. Imani needs you down here in an hour."

I groaned turning on the shower. "It's Saturday though"

"It's your job and you have to go" "Fine tell her I'll be there in 45"

I hung up and got in the shower. All of last night's sweat was washed off of me and replaces with the smell of apples.

I washed my hair and got out. I dried myself off and put on underwear.

I didn't know what to do with my hair and I only had 20 minutes left.

I brushed it back and put it in a ponytail.

I went through my drawers searching for something to wear. I really need to do laundry today.

I pulled out joggers and a white hoodie.
I put on the clothes in hurry and grabbed my bag filled with the essentials like lotion and lip balm.

I grabbed my keys and locked the door on my way out. With a smile on my face I walked down the two flights of stairs.

I pushed the door of the tattoo shop open and walked down to the back.

"Hey Amy" I said waving to one of our customers whose almost always here.

"I've been waiting for you. I came to get a new tattoo. My first son was born about 2 months ago and I want his name on my arm."

"Aw congrats. I'll be right with you" I walked around to the back and got my needles ready to go to work.

Imani came up to me with a frown on her face. "What's wrong babe?"

I got up off the seat and sat her down. "He's being a little fuck boy again" I knew exactly who she was talking about.

"That's what you get for dating him" I say pointing at her. "You can't say anything. You haven't been in a legit relationship since a year and a half ago."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay and.." She sighed "I'm just saying maybe you should you know slow down on all the boys."

Yeah like I'll ever slow down. I know I should really stop leading them on like this but it's apart of the fun.

I want boys to feel the exact way girls feel when they just have a one night stand and leave them all alone in the morning.

Except I do it a little more respectively. They see when I'm leaving. It's still cruel but that's how it goes.

Second chapter and hella excited for this book.

Needed Me •N.M.•  Where stories live. Discover now