Chapter 1 What Comes With Us All

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It seems like the men had the advantage on us, so I dropped my gun. One of the men grabbed my wrist and tied zip ties around my wrists. They did the same to Andrew. They pulled a bag over our heads and threw us into the back of their truck. I felt as if we started to drive. We drove for a few minutes and then came to a stop. I heard dogs barking, and garage doors opening. They removed the bags from our heads. We saw a huge square of an alley way and then a building with a garage like door. The alley was full of people that looked threatening. But you can't judge a book by its cover.

One by one each person took one item from us. And then we were left with nothing. They tied our zip ties up to a pole. I noticed part of the pole was broken and sharp. Everyone went in side the garage like building and left two guards near us. The alley entrance was blocked off with a giant, red bus. As I looked around, I noticed a little girl walking around with a gun. A few days in the apocalypse and the children already know how to use guns? I heard loud banging and noticed there were walkers banging on the bus door. The men walked over to the bus and silenced the walkers.

I looked over my shoulder to observe the area and saw a ladder leading to a roof. I looked over to Andrew and then gestured towards it with my head. Andrew nodded, then looked back to the two men killing the walkers. They kept hitting their shoulders.. I guess the don't know.

" Aim for the head. " Andrew shouted. They looked at us for a few seconds then turned back towards the walkers and stabbed them in the head with their crowbars. They shrugged then walked back towards us. They reached for Andrews arm and then a gun shot went off. The girl that had the gun in her hands had collapsed to the ground. One after another gun shots went off. The two guards grabbed their watch dogs and ran to cover. I quickly started rubbing the zip ties up against the sharp end of the pole and hen they broke. I untied Andrews and pushed him towards the ladder.

We climbed up and got on the roof. We saw people hiding in bushes behind the bus entrance. We ran to the edge of the building and looked down. There was a dumpster and that was it. We both looked at each other then jumped into the dumpster.

" ARRRGGH! " Andrew screamed in pain.

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