Chapter 1 What Comes With Us All

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Andrew landed on some piece of metal. He screamed in pain, and walkers started to come near us. The metal wouldn't budge. " Just get out of here! " He said. " No! " I shouted. I finally got the metal to budge and then I pulled him out of the dumpster. He started to limp. " I think my leg is broken. " He said. I wrapped his arm and my shoulder and went the direction the walkers weren't coming from. Slowly they began to get closer to us because of how slow we were going. We got out of the alley and then we walked in a building.

" What's the point in living? " Andrew said.
" There is no point. You decide that part. " I said as I sighed.
" We're doomed. " He said. We were. Walkers were outside banging on the windows, and doors.

I started to count. There was only 9. I stood up. " What're you doing?! " He said. I didn't reply and then I looked around and saw a baseball bat. I grabbed the baseball bat and opened the building door. I hit one of them in the head and knocked them to the ground. I stepped on his head and smashed his brains. Andrew got up and saw some string. He grabbed it then wrapped it around a walkers head and popped it's head off. A few minutes later, they were all dead.
" We need to get out of the city. " Andrew said. " We're just gonna leave those people like that? "

" They kidnapped us! " He said. " But they didn't kill us. " I said. He sighed then nodded and then we both walked out of the building. We didn't have any guns so we were in trouble. I saw the men shooting at the camp so I went to the the one farthest away from its group and knocked him out. I picked up his Mp5k, with an Acog scope and a silencer. I gave Andy my baseball bat and then we moved to another guy and Andrew knocked him out. I didn't want to have to kill anyone. There were two more guys left. One of them turned around and saw us. He started to run towards the other man so I chased after him. I pulled out my gun and shot his foot then quickly covered his mouth so he couldn't scream. Andrew came over there and knocked him out also. Andrew limped towards the last guy but he turned around. He pulled out a knife and attempted to stab Andrew. But Andrew dodged it. I quickly tackled the guy and started punching him, and then eventually knocked him out.

We opened the bus door and then walked inside of the camp. The men stood there, in awe. They both shook our hands and smiled. " Take whatever you'd like off those bodies. " He said as he walked over to the dead girls body that was shot earlier. We walked to the dead bodies and took their stuff, we got two vests, two half full water canteens, MRE'S, a backpack and a knife. I gave the knife to Andrew and put a vest on. I hooked my baseball bat to my backpack when I put it on then held my gun. I gave those men a small wave and we started to walk. Andrew saw that there was a horde in front of the bridge, leaving the city. So without saying anything he ran off. I didn't follow because I didn't notice at first. But then I heard gunshots. I started to get up and walk but noticed the walkers were moving towards the direction the gunshots were coming from.

A few minutes later, Andrew was back. " They're attracted to noise. " He said with a smirk. I smiled a bit and then quickly ran to the bridge. We started to walk up it and then finally.. The exit of Atlanta.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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