PAGE 2: Ask Martha for Help

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You invite Martha to stay for the next few days in order to help you get rid of them. The Statu- no Creatures, according to her. If you Blink, you're worse than dead. Apparently the angels know you are aware of them. They have to destroy any trace, in order to keep their existence a secret from their prey. Their prey, being you and every human they come across. One of the U.N.I.T papers read, 'A way to trap them is to have them look at each other. The second they look at one another they are locked. They can't move therefore, they are beat.'  So we built on that. We construct a plan, simple yet effective. It involves bedsheets and boxes. And waiting.
Go through with the plan (PAGE 8)
Sell the house, Out of the way (PAGE 10)

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