PAGE 4: Martha Explains

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'Martha, How far away are you?' You are freaking out. The statues move every second and are so quick you'd think they moved in a blink. 'I'm pulling in. Don't worry.'  Breathing in deeply, you open the front door to see Martha Jones standing there a folder in hand. 'So what's going on with the Weeping Angels?' You explain the moving and seeming following of you. Martha looks at you and spreads out the papers from the folder, onto the table. You spy the government seal on most of the papers, with 'FOR U.N.I.T EYES.' printed on each page.

'Yes, they are creatures that are quantum-locked, meaning the second a human looks at them they turn to stone. And you can't kill a stone.'  Martha explained all this information in about half an hour, telling you what these angels were and what they do. 'They are the only creatures in the universe to kill you kindly. You touch them and they send back in time and space. You could be in London today, and end up in Santiago, 1953.'
Ask Martha to help you (PAGE 2)
Take matters into your own hands (PAGE 7)

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