PAGE 6: Martha Explains .2

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Martha is over in 10 minutes when you tell her about the angel, and she basically screamed at you not to blink. Staring at the Angel, You hear the front door slam and running up the stairs. She discovers your room, careful not to blink and side steps around the statue. She holds a folder of papers, with the government crest embossed on the cover. She positions herself so you are both staring at the angel and the doorway. Speaking to you, but looking at the stone, she explains the Weeping Angels.

'They are creatures that are quantum-locked, meaning the second a human looks at them they turn to stone. And you can't kill a stone.' Martha told you what these angels were and what they do 'They are the only creatures in the universe to kill you kindly. You touch them and they send back in time and space. You could be in London today, and end up in Santiago, 1953.' 
Ask Martha to help (PAGE 2)
Take Matters into your own hands (PAGE 7)

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