PAGE 8: The Plan

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Martha got her brother to make a clear plastic chamber box thing, with a door. The plan was simple. Get the angels to follow you and surround the box as you hide inside. The rest is very improvised. The next day, the chamber is ready. You place it in your bedroom, so the plan would follow through easily and pain free. Martha said goodbye as you climbed into the box. You heard her running and slamming the front door, then your cellphone ringing. 'Do you want me to wait outside?'
'No, thanks. I've got this.'  I have to be brave, and hope to God that I beat those lonely assassins. That is the exact moment the chamber starts moving. The angels are here, with nobody to stare at them. They are free. I wait 1 minute and do as instructed. I pull the bedsheet from the walls and force the 7 angels to stare at eachother. As you climb out, you see the fear in their stone faces. They are stuck in that position forever. They are locked. And you are free.

THE STONE STARE ; doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now