PAGE 10: Sell

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You call the realtor and ask if you can sell a house. Within 1 month the house is sold to a young couple. The girl is blonde haired, from South London and the man is skinny with a Posh-sounding voice and brown hair that sticks up. They'll be okay. I sent them a message so they know not to blink. You buy an apartment near St. Barts Hospital, on Baker Street. It is quant, and for some reason there are bullet holes coming from the other side of the wall. Other apartment, very strange. You still feel the constant feeling of someone watching you or following you, and now flinch whenever you see a statue. You swear you saw one move once, but it turned out to be a man who painted himself. Even if it was the angels again, you have Martha on speed dial and the U.N.I.T papers in a safe in the bedroom. You're ready if trouble comes.

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