Is she mine

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The next day
Casey's POV
I had just got from shift and was headed to pick up the kids. When we finally arrived back home they changed their clothes while I prepared some snacks.
10 minutes later
Severide's POV
It was heading on five o'clock so Shay and I decided to head over to Gabby's house.
At Gabby's house
Shay's POV
When we got to the house Matt was helping the kids with there homework.
Casey- Okay Lexus think about it like this I have 12 apples and I gave two to you and your brother, how many do I have left?
Lexus- You have 8 apples left.
Casey- That's right. You're a very smart girl.
I walked over to Lexus and Casey and told he could go start cooking with Severide while I help them finish their homework.
In the kitchen
Casey's Pov
I went in to open the refrigerator and it was full of many healthy foods.
Severide- There mom prefers them to eat healthy.
I looked at Severide and knodded my head. Before I could ask what could we make he started pulling out ingredients for tacos.
Casey- Can I ask u a question?
Severide- Sure what's up.
Casey- Is Lexus mine?
Severide- Now that question is between you and Gabby.
Casey- Thanks I said as we finished cooking the tacos.

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