Telling everything

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Gabby's Pov
In the morning
At the firehouse
We had just got back from a call and everyone was chillin. My kids we're with Casey's sister till after he got off of shift. I was laying on my bed when I had got a call saying come to the apparatus floor. When I got there Mills was waiting for me. I gave him the biggest hug ever and then he went to greet everyone else. I finally pulled him into the bathroom so I could tell him my announcement.
Mills- So wats up
Gabby- I'm pregnant with twins, and they're yours.
Mills- That's great.
Mills gave Gabby a hug before they went back to the main room.
At the end of shift
Gabby's Pov
Casey and I had just finished finalizing when I could pick up the kids when I saw Mills walking to his car.
Gabby- Mills, Mills wait up.
Mills- Yeah wats up
Gabby- So are u staying in Chicago to help me.
Mills- Gabby I can't my sister just had my nephew and I promised her I would work her shifts at the diner.
Gabby's Pov
I pushed Peter as I walked by and then I got in my car and started to cry.What was I supposed to do with four kids and still Being a struggle mom and still having money to provide for my kids.

Will Mills change his mind and help
How will Antonio take the news?

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