Chapter 2

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Joel woke up to the sun burning brightly. So bright that it hurt his eyes. Then he realized that it was a light they use in interrogations. Joel heard voices arguing over what to do. Then an alarm sounded.

"The Killjoys are here!" the voices said. The door was kicked down. Among all the commotion one voice stood out. The man from earlier.

"You're all cowards!" his voice rang through Joel's head. He was helpless. He couldn't move. Then he felt someone pick him up from the table he was lying on. Shots were fired but didn't sound like gun shots. They sounded more like the blaster guns in Star Wars. Joel blacked out again.

Benji, Billy, Paul, and Dean were sitting at a McDonald's. Benji was barely eating.

"What's wrong Benji?" Billy asked.

"Why did it have to be Joel?" Benji said as he just looked at his burger.

"I don't think he's dead." Dean said.

"How?" Paul asked.

"The car fire wasn't big enough to turn him into bones. That's all they found right? It could be someone else's bones placed in Joel's car to make it look like the fire was big enough to burn Joel. Plus I think Joel's car broke down." Dean said. Benji continued to look at his burger. He drowned out the others and focused on what Dean had just said. It made sense that that was the case. He saw the car burn but Joel seemed to not be there. Benji took a bite out of the burger.

"Well I think that the FBI were tricked." Dean said.

"With the evidence you're giving one might think you did it." Billy said.

"Whatever." Dean said. At that moment agent Booth walked in with Dr. Brennan. Brennan walked over to the table while Booth followed.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Temperance Brennan from the Jeffersonian. And this is my partner special agent Seeley Booth. We're working the case on your brother." Brennan said.

"I'm Benji Madden the victim's brother. What are you doing here?" Benji said.

"We are here to investigate and question the people who were last with him." Booth said.

"Are you a real agent?" Billy asked.

"Yes." Booth said showing Billy his badge. Brennan was looking around the restaurant. There was a group of four teenagers. One had longish redish pinkish hair. Another had black hair that poofed out. Another had a fedora on and the other one had bright pink hair. One of them seemed to be staring at them. Brennan tapped Booth on the shoulder. Booth looked at the direction she was looking in.

"Bones they're just teenagers." Booth said.

"One is staring at us like he knows something about the case." Brennan said.

"Wait I thought her name as Brennan." Benji said.

"It is but Booth calls me Bones because I work with them." Brennan said. "Do you know those teenagers over there?"

"Uh no. Never seen them before in my life." Benji said.

"Wait! Oh nope." Billy said.

"What?" Booth asked.

"I thought I did but I don't." Billy said looking down at the table.

"This can't be right." a voice said. Joel slowly opened his eyes.

"What happened?" he asked slowly.

"What's the last thing you remember?" the voice came with a blurry face.

"My my car broke down." Joel said.

"Then what?"

"I got a ride. I got in the car and felt a sharp pain in my neck." Joel's vision improved enough to see that the voice's face had a very defining chin. The hair was blonde and slicked back. It was a guy. He had on a red leather jacket with the number 03 on one of the sleeves. Next to him was a man with jet black hair. He was wearing an olive green vest with a patch on it that had some foreign lettering on it.

"You're going to be okay. Don't worry. My name is.." he was cut off. The van they were in was hit. It tipped over and went off the road.

Brennan and Booth ran to the scene.

"What happened?" Booth asked a cop.

"According to witnesses, this van was pushed off the road by another van. The other van had no license plates and was black." the cop said.

"Did anyone see the driver of the other van?" Brennan asked.

"Uh, one witness said that the driver had no hair and was wearing a shirt or jacket with cuffs that look like they came off of Captain Hook's jacket." the cop said.

"So now we have a fake skeleton and the description of a bald Captain Hook wanna be." Booth said turning to Brennan.

"Are there any bodies?" Brennan asked the cop.

"Only one. And he's not dead." the cop said.

Joel couldn't move. He couldn't feel anything. His head was pounding. Joel opened his eyes to see the blonde guy sitting against a tree.

"My name is Mikey, but you can call me Kobra Kid." the guy said. "Andy will be back with another car soon."

"My name is Joel Madden." Joel said.

"I know. I've investigated you. Better Living Industries was doing the same thing. They probably thought you were either a Youngblood or a Killjoy."

"What are those?"

"Two groups that are underground. Normally Killjoys and Youngbloods ignore each other. Youngbloods fight a cult called Cult Camp or something, but that joined BLI. They sent Korse to try and kill us. That's their goal. They want the girl me and my friends and brother are protecting from them."

"What happened to her?"

"She's with Dr. Death-Defying in our desert hideout. In fact Andy went to get a car from them. They've been communicating with us by cellphone. Andy went to get our car back. I think Dr. D is coming with him."

"What is the girl's name?"

"I don't know." then they heard voices coming their way. Mikey went over to Joel and stood him up. They walked into the forest until they got to a river.

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