Chapter 10

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The drive was long. Everyone had fallen asleep. Everyone but Patrick because he was driving. Patrick was slowly falling asleep at the wheel though. He finally decided to pull over and sleep when it happened. A white van pulled over when he did. The van was a hippie style van without the license plates. Patrick's eyes widened and he pulled out and sped down the road. He was awake now and he was going to get away. He changed his direction and kept going fast. He wasn't about to get caught again. He couldn't imagine what they'd do if they got him. Especially since he had Joel and for some reason they wanted him. Party Poison woke up as Patrick drove over a bump.
"What is going on?" Party Poison asked.
"They found us because your car is very recognizable. I knew we should've taken a different car. But no, it had to the Killjoy mobile." Patrick said.
"Drop the sarcasm Stumpy." Party Poison said.
"No. I won't drop the sarcasm. I like being sarcastic to you." Patrick said.
"I'm pretty sure you are." Party Poison said.
"Okay look. We are different, but we need to fight together. That's the only way we'll get through this. And the only way we're going to get out of this mess is to get a different car. Which I'm gonna have you do. I'll hide this car." Patrick said.
"Okay. But just so you know I'm gonna blow their tires." Party Poison said. "It'll buy some time."
"Do whatever. As long as we get some time I'll be fine with it."
"Good cause I was gonna shoot their tires." Party Poison smiled as he pulled out his ray gun.

The sun was just coming up. Party Poison snuck around the black SUV he had eyeballed when they came back into D.C.. I hope this will be easy. He thought as he broke into the car. To his luck there was no car alarm. Party Poison hot wired the car and was on his way. The down side was that in the process of doing so he had woken up the owner of the car and was now getting shot at with real bullets.
"Oh shit!" Party Poison said aloud. He turned the car around and stepped on the gas pedal and sped away, leaving the owner of the to shake his head in disbelief.

Booth came in late. His car had just been stolen. He looked a little mad.
"What's wrong?" Hodgins asked Booth.
"My car was stolen." Booth said.

"How'd you get here?" Hodgins asked.

"Luckily Bones has a car and was able to pick me up." Booth said as Bones entered.

"Hey Booth, we have a body." Bones said.

"How do you know?" Booth asked.

"Well if you hadn't left your phone in your car you'd have the message." Bones said.

"Well if my car hadn't been stolen I would be able to drive." Booth said.

"Guys just go get body." Angela said.

"Maybe we'll find my car." Booth said. "Oh Angela, can you put out a missing car report to the local police? Maybe they can find my car."

"Sure thing Booth." Angela said. "What's your licence plate?"

"Why did you steal a government car? We could get tracked if they know its missing." Patrick said.

"Dude, chill. We'll be fine. I didn't almost die for nothing." Party Poison said.

"Oh I think you did." Patrick said.

"Well that's your opinion Stumpy." Party Poison said.

"Don't call me that." Patrick glared at Party Poison. 

"Look, the only way we can take down BLI and Cult Camp is together. So stop arguing and lets safe this kids life." Kobra Kid said.

"I'm not a kid." Joel said.

"Its just something to call ya." Party Poison said turning to Joel.

"Well you can call me by my name. Which is Joel." Joel said. Then Party Poison sped up. 

"Guys, we got company." he said going way past the speed limit.

"Is it BLI?" Jet Star asked.

"I can't tell. The car looks like the one Patrick described." Party Poison said.

"Really they're after us?" Patrick asked looking out the window.

"Looks like no matter what car we take they'll find us." Party Poison said.

"What's going on?" Joel asked.

"Oh ya know, just the people trying to kill you or something. They found us." Party Poison said. His voice calm and he concentrated on speeding up. With no luck of losing the van, he sped over the speed limit. A cop hidden from view came out and sounded the siren.

"Shit." Party Poison said as he pulled the car over. "Patrick you can't freak out, but we just got pulled over by the cops."

"I'll freak out on the inside." Patrick said.

"As long as it doesn't get us arrested." Party Poison said as he pulled his drivers licence out of his jacket pocket. He looked in the rear view mirror to see the cop talking to the people in the van behind them. "Okay so maybe we're not in trouble."

"Spoke too soon sir." a young man's voice said.


"You were speedin' well past the legal limit, sir. I'm gonna need to see your licence." he said. Party Poison handed him his licence.

"Will that be all?" Party Poison asked as the young man handed him back his licence. 



"Oh and no more speedin'."

"Sure thing." Party Poison said as he pulled the car forward.

"Now hold on." an older man's voice said.

"What did we do this time?" Party Poison asked in a bored tone of voice.

"Now don't get sassy. We just need to know, is Party Poison your real name?" the officer asked.

"Yes. And in the car is Kobra Kid, Jet Star, Hot Topic, and Piglet." Party Poison said. Kobra Kid and Jet Star burst into laughter.

"Are you on any drugs?"

"Just one. It's called life as a killjoy. It can be really great." Party Poison said.

"I've heard of such a drug." 

"Yeah its not a drug."

"Well then. Is this car stolen?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Because this is a government car. They use it in the FBI."

"Well I can assure you that this is not a stolen government car. We are just test driving it to see if everything is perfect. See we're mechanics and this car was brought into our shop last week and we just finished working on it."

"It's got the licence plate from the report." 

"We're in a very deep hole aren't we?"



"How many of you took part of this grand theft auto?" the officer asked. Party Poison's head was against the steering wheel. He raised his hand. "I'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle, sir."

"Um what's going on?" Joel asked.

"I'm arresting your friend for stealing a government car. Now unless you all wanna get arrested as well I'd suggest you drive back into town following me and returning the car." the officer said as he handcuffed Party Poison.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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