Chapter 5

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Joel had stopped running as soon as he had passed a Hot Topic. He knew it was the best place to hide. He wouldn't stand out there. He walked back to the Hot Topic and entered. When he entered the person working the register looked up in pure shock.
"Oh my fucking God. Your Joel Madden. Lead singer in the band Good Charlotte." She said really starting to freak out.
"Yeah but I'm trying to keep a low profile here."
"So why come in here?"
"I just need a place to hide where I don't stand out. This seemed like the best option." Joel explained. The girl didn't question any further.
"I know exactly where you can hide after we close." She said.
"I'm afraid to ask, but where?"
"My apartment." The girl had a smile on her face.
"As long as I'm not standing out I think it could work." Joel said as he looked out on the street. Amongst the cars going by Joel saw the tip of a black van without license plates. He panicked and ran into a room marked employees only. In the room was no one which was great for Joel. He noticed that it opened into the room so he pushed the bookcase, which was next to the door, against the door. He turned off the lights that had turned on when he opened the door. He stood listening. He could hear the girls that were after him question the the girl that was trying to help him and destroy the store just to find him. Joel looked around the room and noticed a phone. He went over to it and contemplated on whether or not he should call someone or not.

"I'm beginning to think that you don't care about Joel anymore." Benji said to Booth.
"Oh believe me, we still care about Joel. The person who took him is a ruthless killer and kidnapper. We've been tracking him for months." Booth said.
"Are you sure?" Benji asked.
"Look Benji, the man who took Joel is has a record with us. Do you wanna know what he's done?" Booth said.
"Sure." Benji said.
"He's murdered three people in New Mexico, California, and New Hampshire. One for each state. He's also kidnapped in those three states along with Maryland, Vermont, Maine, Washington, and Organ. He also refuses arrest when he's caught." Booth said.
"So Joel could be dead?" Benji asked.
"Yeah but I highly doubt he is." Booth said. Then Brennan came in with a bag. "Bones, what is in the bag?"
"Some food. I figured we were all hungry." Brennan replied.
"What type of food is it?" Benji asked.
"Chineese food." Brennan said.
"Okay." Benji said. The door, which was behind Brennan, opened a crack. A figure entered the room like a ninja. They didn't realize that he had entered the room.

Joel didn't hear the girls anymore. They had left the Hot Topic and the really nice fan girl. Joel picked up the phone, still torn between call him or not. Joel started to punch the numbers for Nicole's phone number. He held the phone to his ear. The phone rang for a minute.
"Hello?" Nicole's voice asked. Joel smiled at the sound of her voice.
"Hey Nicole. It's me Joel Madden." Joel said. He heard Nicole drop the phone.
"Oh my god Joel! Where are you?" She was clearly worried and not mad.
"I have no idea what town I'm in anymore. But I'm in a Hot Topic." Joel said.
"Well that narrows it down." Nicole said sarcastically. The door to the room Joel was in started to shake like someone was trying to open it.
"Mr. Madden the store is gonna close soon. And it's too dangerous for you to be out without a disguise." The helpful fan girl said through the door.
"Sorry Nicole, I have to go." Joel said. "I'll call you back later. Okay?"
"Okay." Nicole said. "I love you Joel. And I miss you."
"I love too. I also miss you loads." Joel said. They both hung up. Joel moved the book shelf back to its original place and the door swung open to reveal one of girls that was looking for him. She lunged at him and he brought his foot up and hit her in the jaw. She fell to the ground and Joel ran for his life again.

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