Chapter 3

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Benji was pacing in his room. He was deep in thought. Billy, Paul and Dean were sitting on his bed.

"Why would someone want to kidnap Joel?" Benji asked.

"I don't know." Paul said.

"Benji someone is here to see you." Sarah said opening the door enough to fit into the doorway. 

"Okay just, um, send them up." Benji said. In a few minutes Booth and Brennan were entering the room.

"Oh this has got to be good." Billy said. Booth looked at him, causing him to shut up.

"Benji, did you know your brother's car to have trouble?" Booth asked.

"Yeah. We got it at a used car dealership." Benji said. "Why is this relevant?"

"Was the dealer bald?" Brennan asked.

"He might've been."

"Could he have looked like this?" Brennan held out a picture to Benji.

"A little bit. I wasn't there when Joel got the car though. My mom was."

"Where is she now?" Booth asked.

"At work. You could also asked Sarah. She might've been there too."

"Let me see the picture." Billy said.

"Why?" Booth and Brennan asked at the same time.

"I might've seen the guy." Billy said. Brennan handed him the picture. 

"Do you know this man?" Booth asked.

"Yeah. I actually do. His name is like Korse or something. He almost killed me on the way here. It was very intense. He called me something like Youngblood or Killjoy or something." Billy said.

"What were you doing?" Brennan asked.

"I was listening to an album from our band Good Charlotte."

"What album?"

"Good Morning Revival."

"So why would he call you something like that?" Booth asked.

"I don't know. But he wasn't driving the car. Some guy in a mask was." Billy said handing the photo back to Brennan.

The four teenagers from McDonald's were sitting in their car near a forest. They were waiting for Mikey to come out with Joel. They were playing a CD one of them brought when out of no where Korse came. They ducked down as Korse was shooting at them with his blaster gun. At that moment Mikey came running out of the woods. He didn't have Joel because he had leaned him up against a tree where they wouldn't find him. Mikey had his blaster pulled out and was shooting back at Korse.
"Where's the kid Mikey?!" One of them yelled at Mikey.

"I can't say with all these ass hats here!" Mikey yelled back.

"Fair enough!" the teen was still blasting at Korse. All of a sudden a delorean swerved in and knocked down three people on Korse's side. 

"REALLY FUN GHOUL!!! A DELOREAN!!" Mikey yelled.

"It's a good car!!!" Fun Ghoul yelled at Mikey as he continued to run over people on Korse's side. 

"At least you're knocked them down!" Mikey yelled as he shot down some of the guys on Korse's side. Joel came tumbling into the battle. Korse and Mikey got into a race to see would get to Joel first. Mikey got there first. Korse knocked Mikey down and out. Then he grabbed Joel and got him to his car and drove off.

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