Chapter 7

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The hospital was busy. Angela and Hodgins were waiting to hear about Joel. A doctor came up to them.
"He should be just fine if he'd get some rest." The doctor said as Hodgins and Angela got up.
"Can we see him?" Angela asked.
"Yes." The doctor said as he led them to Joel's room. When they entered they saw that Joel had left.
"Where is he?" Hodgins asked.
"Don't worry he couldn't have gotten far." The doctor said as he used his pager to page someone.
"Do you know where he could've gone?" Angela asked.
"Probably a Hot Topic. He mentioned something about a girl there who'd helped him hide from some other girls. The guy is a real girl magnet." The doctor said.
"We'll look around any Hot Topics and bring him back if we find him." Hodgins said looking at Angela.
"Go ahead." The doctor said.
"I better tell Brennan what's going on. She'll want to know." Angela said as she pulled out her phone.

"He's gotta be here somewhere." Kobra Kid said in a low voice.
"We can't be so sure. DC is a big city." Party Poison said.
"Guys he's right there." Patrick said.
"How can you be so sure stumpy?" Party Poison asked.
"Cult Campers are around him." Patrick said reaching for his ray gun.
"Stand down stumpy." Party Poison said. Patrick ignored him and shot the girls down rescuing Joel in the process. "Thanks for standing down stumpy." Party Poison said to himself.
"This is definitely him." Patrick said bringing Joel up to Party Poison and Kobra Kid.
"W-who are you people?" Joel asked.
"My name is Patrick. Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you. You'll be safe with us." Patrick said.
"We gotta get outta here." Jet Star said.
"Why?" Kobra Kid asked.
"This city has draculoids in it." Jet Star said.
"What about scarecrows? Are there any?" Party Poison asked.
"Yeah. And I think they have Fun Ghoul." Jet Star replied.
"Shit." Party Poison muttered under his breath.
"What's going on?" Joel asked.
"You'll be fine don't worry." Patrick said.
"Where's Benji?" Joel asked.
"Who?" Party Poison asked.
"My twin brother. We have the same face, so you can't miss him." Joel said.
"We'll find him, don't worry." Patrick said. Then some draculoids and scarecrows attacked.
"SHIT!!" Party Poison yelled as he drew his ray gun.
"Die mother fuckers!!" A voice yelled out of no where. It was one of Patrick's friends. He leaped onto the scene with his gun drawn and firing. With Party Poison and the others distracting the draculoids and scarecrows, Patrick got Joel out of there.

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