A/N #3 | 1k Followers!!!! (Late)

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Sorry that I'm late with this ^^'
May have forgot to post :/


To say I'm over the moon is an understatement!
So to celebrate 1k, I decided to do 5 facts about The Angel That Hoped (so far).

Here we go!
5 Facts About The Angel That Hoped (So Far):

#1~ The original title for the story was going to be either The Angel that Loved OR LV can be good.
I'm glad I went with The Angel that Hoped. Maybe LV will be another story I write but with the genocide run? We'll see!

#2~ The reader's character was actually going to be a normal siren but soon got discarded and had only the voice that attracts attention.
As much as I love sirens. I didn't want the reader to be constricted to water and didn't want to have to change the way the sirens I know work. They're not shape shifters.

#3~ Chapter 3 | Underground Sweet Underground, was originally going to be titled Disgusting Weed because of one of the lines that the reader says in the chapter.
I later decided not too just because Underground Sweet Underground sounds sweeter.

#4~ Relating to the second fact, the story was actually going to be completely different to what's been planned out. The reader was going to be a siren that's been causing trouble with other monsters. When San's had found out that Papyrus had a close call with this siren, he went to give her a piece of his mind, only to be enraptured by her song and fall in love. Though they do both learn that they have REAL love for each other as time goes on.
Like I said when talking about the reader as a siren, I didn't want all of the readers POV to just be hanging around or in water, I wanted them to be able to visit Snowdin and Hotland, not just one area such as Waterfall(fell?).

#5~ Frisk and the outside world wasn't going to be mentioned at ALL. In one of the drafts of ideas, there were hints about what was happening with the actual game, but no actual mention towards a human in the underground or the world above was to exist.
I originally wanted it to be unique to the story of the game. I didn't want the plot of the games story to meddle with my story too much. But as you can see that ended up not happening.

#6~ The Angel That Hoped is quite a unique story according to some people. One has wondered how the idea was come up with.
Like all of my stories, I came up with the idea in a dream. I basically insert myself into the fandoms I'm in and create some sort of story about it. Most ideas I do want to create, but they never make the cut. Refer to #4. I then sort of build on it from there. It's a weird way of creating stories but it works for me.

The Angel That Hoped | Undertale | Sans x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt