Part 4

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Chapter 4

He pushed away from her as guilt hit him.  His eyes looked everywhere but towards Rose.  He knew that it would only take one look before she unwound him once more.  There was something about the fiery redhead that attracted him. 

“I must learn to listen to myself,” he heard her mumble, causing him to snap his head in her direction.  He wished he would not have, for one look and he wanted to pull her towards him once more.

“Why?” he mumbled with his attention elsewhere.

She waved her hand in front of herself, making him blink repeatedly and finally acquire the attention she was expecting.  “The kiss.”

He nodded, ready to agree with the words she would use to describe it.  It was one of the best experiences of his life; it was beautiful.  His nodding halted as he thought of where his mind was wondering.  His nod quickly turned into a shake of the head.  “We must not do that again.”

“I agree,” she breathed out as if she were relieved with his words.  “That was one of the most horrid experiences of my life.”

He sent her a confused expression.  Was it only him who had felt the passion in their kiss?  “That is for the best,” he said even though his mind was shouting at him to say more.  He kept his mouth shut though; he had already gotten himself in too much.  He did not want to worsen their mistakes.

“Shall I help you prepare supper?” she asked with a large smile that reminded him of their previous moments.

“Pardon my next words,” he said in a clear voice, “but if you smile at me like that once more, I will go insane. Your façade sickens me.”

Her face flushed red.  “If you would please pardon my next words, I dislike your façade.  You believe that no one sees the sadness in your eyes?  Do you honestly think that your friends, who love you, do not realize how much you suffer?  If you wish to speak of façades, focus on your own.”

Her green eyes shot fire at him, and he could not help himself.  Reaching out, he tugged on her hair with a smile.  “You are beautiful when you are angry.”

She flushed brighter, but her glare did not waver.  If anything, her eyes narrowed into smaller slits.  Still, he smiled at her.  She was adorable.  “Do not attempt to dither my attention.”

“I am not,” he replied smoothly.

She let out a loud huff; one not fit for a lady and turned on her heel.  Before she could run from him, he snagged her hand and flipped her back towards him.  Pulling her forward, he waited for her body to fall into his before he bent and placed a kiss to her cheek.  “Can we be friends?”

“Yes,” she whispered.  “I would like that very much.”

He released her and smiled as she looked at him with a slightly dazed expression on her face.  “Good, that is good.”

She shook her head as if she were clearing it.  Turning once more, she began marching out of the stables.  He let her get to the opening before calling out, “Rose!”

Her feet stopped and she looked over her shoulder with a slight smile.  “I do not acquire assistance with the food,” he told her with a large smile.  “I heard that you are not the best with such things.”

The smile slipped slightly before she realized that he was jesting with her.  “I will keep that in mind.  Just wait, Peirce.  There will be a day in which you cannot do something. When that day comes, I will be the first to point out the fact.”

He watched her skirts twirl away.  Her red hair flung around her face in a light breeze.  “I am sure you will,” he whispered, knowing that she was going to be more trouble than he thought.

***Thanks to MyHeartsPersuit for the amazing cover on the side!  I absolutely love it :)***

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