Part 24

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Chapter 24

Being too dark for her to see clearly did not stop her from wincing at the scene in front of her.  Rose shifted on top of Dread, feeling uncomfortable for the first time since they had begun the trip.  It may have been because they were slowing, or it may have been the eerie feeling that surrounded the area.  Whichever it was, she did not like it.  She did not like being here.

“How long must we stay?” she asked Peirce.

His arms dropped from around her as he eased from the horse.  Glancing over his shoulder at the manor, he shrugged.  “For a day at the most.  We need rest before we further in our journey, our horses need rest, and this is the most suitable place to rest.”

“I do not like it,” she admitted, letting him help her from the horse.  As her legs hit the ground, the full force of her horse ride hit her, making her stagger into him.

He chuckled while tightening his grip.  “You may not like it, love, but you are weak.  You need rest.”

“I know,” she mumbled under her breath while moving from his hold.  She needed to walk on her own, needed to prove to herself that she could be on her own.  In her mind, love was in fact a frightening feeling.  She wanted Peirce by her side always.  How could she feel so strongly about a person?  She did not have a clue, but she knew she would not change her life for anything, would not give her love up for anything.

“You have a dazed look about you, sister.  Are you positive you can walk on your own?”

She looked towards Ramsey and nodded.  “I am quite capable of walking on my own.”

Ramsey inclined his head before walking towards the manor door as if he were the master of the area.  Emily’s eyes followed the man and as she called out to him, Rose frowned.  Did the woman not realize that Ramsey did not want her attentions?  Did she not realize that Ramsey did not like her?

“I need assistance,” Emily said, batting her eyelashes at Ramsey.

He stared at her for a moment before motioning towards the stable.  “I am sure one of your men is highly capable of helping you from your horse.  Now, if you will excuse me, the trip has tired me.”

Turning his back on them, he continued his ascend towards the manor.  Beside her, Peirce let out a chuckle.  “The man seems adept to deal with any problem he is faced.”  Rose smiled up at him in agreement.  “Come, let us retire.  We have an early leave in the morn.”

He grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the manor and Ramsey.  Hearing Emily let out a huff, Rose let a large smile spread across her face.  It seemed that even in her home, the woman no longer had any power over the men in Rose’s life.  That fact sent giddiness coursing through her.  Even though it was a small act on Ramsey and Peirce’s part, it told her that neither of the men were fooled by Emily’s pretty face and batting eyelashes.

“Do you know where to go?” Rose asked as Peirce pulled her towards a room.

He smiled over his shoulder.  “Of course.  Have you forgotten that I lived here for some part of my life?”

The reminder made her wince, but to her surprise, the smile stayed on his face.  It seemed that Peirce was slowly beginning to accept the fact that that life was his past, and now, he needed to live his future.  “I have not forgotten.”

“Good,” he said.  “Now, just pray that Cook is still awake.  The woman is better than I, but she is a tad temperamental.”  Peirce’s hand smacked onto a door, swinging it open to their view.  As they entered the kitchen though, they both froze.  Either there was no longer a cook, or the woman had let the area disintegrate.  Around her, tables were broken, dust covered jars, which were spread onto whichever surface they could be placed upon.  It was a complete disaster.

“I do not understand,” Peirce mumbled.  “Where is Cook?”

“Mayhap, Emily could no longer hold her manor.  It is quite common to release ones servants in times of need.”

Peirce shook his head at her.  “No, I send coinage to Emily in order to use for expenses on the manor.  I had thought that one day I may return, once Colin found a wife.  I did not want my return to be one as this.”

“A saddening one?” she guessed, her eyes scanning the area.  “It is not quite as horrid as it looks,” she supplied, trying to lighten his mood.  “The tables can be repaired, and the others only need cleaning.”

“I still do not understand it,” he mumbled, shaking his head at her.  He turned his back on the kitchen, making his way towards another unknown room.  As he pushed another door open, he let out a sigh.  “This was once my study,” he whispered.  “I should be thrilled that she did not sale the books.”

Rose watched the sadness on Peirce’s face and wished she could wrap him in her arms, protect him from the disappointments he was feeling.  The process repeated.  Peirce would drag her towards a room, only to be disappointed that it was not as it was before.  Finally, he stopped in the sitting room, looking utterly confused.

Walking towards the seat, he dropped her hand as he settled into the chair.  “What has she been spending what I gave her?  The manor looks as if it has not been lived in for quite some time.  There are no servants here, although they could have gone home for the night.”

“That is uncommon?”

“For the ones with no family, yes.  I, she, has a servant’s quarters.  Those with no family usually reside there.”

“Excuse me,” a voice sounded from the doorway.  Glancing up, Rose stared at her brother.

“What is it?” Peirce snapped, and Rose knew that the man was feeling the stress of the day.

Ramsey shifted his eyes to Peirce, but the emotion in them did not change, his eyes stayed blank.  “Tell me, does Emily have a child?”

“No,” Peirce said, his eyebrows cast down in obvious confusion.  “Why do you ask?”

Ramsey dropped the items that were in his hands, bringing attention to them for the first time. “I would like to see her explanation for these.”

As Rose stared at the clothing, the toys, and other items a young boy would have, she wanted an answer also.  Why did Emily have those things if she did not have a child of her own?

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