Part 31

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Chapter 31

“Are we near your home?”

Peirce glanced over at his son.  Phillip’s body swayed to the side, looking as if he were going to fall asleep at any moment.  He had not complianed once on their journey.  Not when he had to leave the only home he knew, taking only his horse and some clothing.  He didn’t complain when Peirce told him they would ride until they arrived at the manor, not wanting to risk staying immobile during the night.  There were dangerous men on these paths at night, and Peirce would not put his family in danger.

“A little longer,” Peirce promised, looking up at the setting sun.  They had been on horses for quite some time, even he was beginning to feel the effects of little sleep and food.  The wound in his side did nothing to ease their trip, and he was sure that Ramsey was feeling dizzy on top his mount with the cut on his head.  “We can stop for a moment.”

None of them said a word as if they did not want to be the one to show any weakness.  Peirce smiled.  Even Rose did not complain once as they trotted towards the manor.  In her side saddle, he thought she would be uncomfortable, but out of the four of them, she looked the most at ease.  Mayhap it was because her life was finally starting to settle.  He smiled at her as she kept her eyes on the path ahead.  His life was beginning to settle too, but there were things that he needed to do before he could finally be at ease.  One of those things were arriving at the manor safely.

“You see those trees,” Ramsey asked Phillip.  He waited for the boy to nod before continuing.  “They are only minutes from the manor.  Once we reach them, you can see the village.  There will be people mulling about, smiles on their faces, there will even be boys your age that you can play with.”

Phillip smiled, but as Ramsey said the last words, the smile slipped.  He glanced towards Peirce from the corner of his eyes.  “Am I allowed to play with the villagers?”

“Why would you not?” Ramsey asked, a frown on the young man’s face.

“They are villagers,” Phillip answered, stating the obvious.

“What I think he means,” Rose said, as neither of the men understood, “is that he was taught not to play with those beneath him.”

Peirce shook his head with a frown.  “They are not beneath you in any way.  My father was a cook, I am a cook, and you are a servant’s son.  Playing with villagers is what I would have done as a child if not for Colin, it is something you can do if you wish.”

“If you tell us when you wish to visit first,” Rose added.

Peirce nodded in aggreance.  “As long as you are visiting with another and tell me when you go, visiting the villiage is fine.”

“What if I want to be a cook?”

Ramsey made a sound deep in his throat that sounded remarkably like a moan.  “Let him be a cook.  Please, if the lad wishes to be one, teach him your secrets.  If I plan to stay in Eskdale, I will need someone to teach me to cook.”

Phillip smiled at Ramsey before narrowing his eyes a little.  “What do I get in return?”

A loud laugh escaped Ramsey’s mouth as Peirce shook his head at the two of them.  “I saw how much you love your horse, but you are not comfortable on top of her.  I will teach you how to ride, what to do to tame an unrully horse, and anything else you wish to know about the creatures.”

“I accept,”  Phillip answered, and Peirce knew by the large smile on the boy’s face that he thought he was getting the better end of the deal.

“Phillip,”  Peirce said, causing his son to look towards him, “do not forget that you must learn to cook first.”

Phillip shurgged.  “I think I will enjoy it.”

Peirce nodded at the boy as a smile made its way onto his face.  “Good,” he said before motioning ahead, “and look what happens to time when you are talking.”

Phillip’s head snapped forward.  He stared with round eyes at the homes ahead.  There were not many people outdoors, seeing as it was so close to night time, but the few that were waved at them.  Seeing a few that he had met before, Peirce waved back with a smile.  A couple curious glances were thrown Phillip’s way, but for the most part, none seemed to question the arrival of a new addition.  One woman, a woman he had recognized from Cassie and his visit, jogged towards them, worry on her face.

Immediately, Peirce halted Dread.  The woman stepped closer before holding something up for him to take.  Gripping the blanket in his hands, he looked down at her questioningly.  She sighed, not making eye contact with him.  “It is for her babe.”

Peirce held it out for her to take.  “I think Lady Moore would prefer if you gave her the gift.”

The woman shook her head and bowed it further as if in sadness.  “She has not visited in quite some time.  With her loss, I do not expect her.”  She glanced up, connecting eyes with Peirce.  “It is hard to loose one of those that you love.”

Panic hit him hard, but he forced himself to nod at the woman.  “If the village needs assistance,” he mumbled as he motioned towards Ramsey, “he knows many of her remedies.”

“We would all be greatful for his visits,” she whispered, taking a step back.  “You must be on your way.  It will be very dark very soon.”

He nodded absentmindedly.  He had been gone for mere days.  Who could it have been that Cassie lost; who could be the one that made her stay inside the manor in grief?  Looking back at the others, he noticed the matching frowns on Rose and Ramsey’s faces.  Ramsey’s horse shifted under him as if it were feeling his need to leave.

Nodding at Ramsey, Peirce shifted uneasily also.  “Ride ahead,” he mumbled loud enough for Ramsey to hear.  “I will stay back with them.”

Ramsey did not wait another second as he urged his horse onwards.  He watched them go, wishing that he could do the same.  Just as the thought crossed his mind, Rose darted past him.  Right behind her, his son sped his horse towards the manor.It took him a moment to realize that he was the only one moving slowly.  Urging Dread faster, he caught up with his family, hoping that when he arrived at the manor all would be well.  He could not lose another person he loved, not after he finally had his life back.

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