Part 16

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Chapter 16

Rose rolled over, comfortable where she was, but with a feeling that someone was watching her, she peeled her eyes open.  Blue eyes stared back at her.  Maybe if she were not so shocked at them being the first thing she saw when she woke, she would have screamed.  She closed her eyes before opening them once more, hoping that the person would disappear.

“I am not going anywhere,” Cassie sung out while plopping down on the bed.  It bounced slightly under her weight, making Rose smile.  “If you say one word about how much I have gained, I promise you that you will not leave your chamber alive.”

Rose’s smile widened before she finally gave in and opened her eyes.  Her cousin’s cheeks were red in what looked like a bit of anger, but if Rose was right, there was a hint of humor in her eyes.  “What is it Cassandra?  What could possibly make you wake me at such an ungodly hour?”

“Oh, hush,” Cassie mumbled while swatting at Rose’s shoulder.  “The thing is that this child likes to wake me up early, but that is not why I am here.”


Cassie’s eyes narrowed at the lack of enthusiasm in Rose’s voice, but Rose did not have much to be excited about this morn.  She would have to go to the dining area and watch as Emily smiled at Peirce, and he smiled back.  What about her predicament would cause her to feel an inkling of eagerness?

“You are sulking!” Cassie said with a laugh.  “I never thought I would see the day that Roselyn sulked instead of acting.”

“Cassie,” Rose started, but her cousin shook her head.

“Do not Cassie me.  You are Roselyn, the cousin I watched as a child and wished I would be even a small amount similar to her.  You were always so put together, and whatever it was that you wanted, you went after.  Where are you Rose?”

“She is still here,” Rose mumbled. 

Cassie made a show of glancing around the room in a fake search.  “It seems that I cannot find her.”

Sitting up, Rose rolled her eyes at Cassie.  “What will you have me do?” she asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

“Be Rose,” Cassie answered with a shrug.  “Show them how you fight for what you want, show them the passion you feel when you want something, and do not let some uppity wench take what you want.”

“Uppity wench?”

Cassie let out a chuckle.  “It is appropriate.  The woman has an air about her that allows us to know she is looking down on you, judging you for your appearance.”

“You are not going to forget her calling you a maid, are you?”

“Never,” she answered, easing to her feet.  She walked towards Rose’s door, without another word.  Rose just sat there, shaking her head in amusement at her cousin.  “Oh, Rose?”

“Yes, Cassie?”

“Wear something beautiful,” she threw over her shoulder as she left the room completely.

Jumping from her bed, Rose quickly changed out of her night gown and into a proper gown, one that would Cassie would deem beautiful.  Running her hands down her dress, she pondered her nervousness.  She was never nervous.  As her palms began to sweat, she let out a small laugh.  Look who she was becoming; she was a scared chit, who was actually worried about how another would view her.

A knock sounded on the door, causing her to stop rubbing her hands down her skirts.  “Yes?”

“Rose,” Will called out from the other side of the door, “are you ready for me to escort you to the dining area?”

She narrowed her eyes at the door.  Since when did Will escort her anywhere?  Walking towards the door, she pulled it open and let out a laugh as he almost fell on her. 

“That was mean,” he mumbled.

Shrugging, she answered, “You should not have been leaning against it.  What are you planning, Will?”

“You do not mix words, but I cannot tell you, love.  It is a secret.”

The smile on his face made her eyes narrow further.  “Is my cousin in on this secret?”

Will tapped his chin in thought. “Hmm, this particular part has nothing to do with your cousin.”

“Will,” she chastised, but Will put his finger to his mouth to tell her to be silent. 

He held his elbow out, and she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow.  Walking down the hall silently, they descended the stairs.  As soon as they left the last step, he spun her.  Letting out a gasp, she slammed into his chest.  He smiled down at her.  “You will eventually forgive me.”

Not understanding, she was completely shocked when his lips connected with hers.  She stood there in a frozen shock, not doing a thing as he kissed her.  After a few seconds, he pulled back and glanced over her shoulder.  “Perfect.”

She looked behind her, only to see Peirce’s back as he walked away from them.  Emily still stood there with wide eyes, while Cassie, Cooper, and Colin were smiling at the two of them.  Turning back to Will, she pulled away from him with a glare.  “Why would you do that?”

“Do not worry,” Will said with a laugh.  “There was no spark.  Just like the time I kissed Cassie.”

“What?” Colin asked in an emotionless voice. 

Will smiled over at him.  “Oh, I cannot wait to tell you.  I-”

“Flower!” Colin said, quickly.  “I do not want to know.”

Letting out a laugh, Rose shook her head at the two of them.  Her eyes looked towards Cassie, who also had a smile on her face.  However, as she glanced towards Emily, she felt sorry for the woman.  There she stood, a shocked expression on her face.  She was by herself, while Rose had an entire lot of people who she considered family.  Rose pitied the woman, but that did not mean she would let her win.  Rose was going to get what she wanted, and what she wanted had just left the room, alone.

Her eyes connected with Cassie’s before she motioned towards Emily.  Cassie nodded.  Stepping towards Emily, Cassie grabbed the woman’s arm.  “I must show you my flower collection Colin was speaking of,” Cassie gushed falsely.  “It is quite wonderful.”

They walked off, Cassie winking over her shoulder.  Colin just shook his head at his wife before turning towards Rose.  “Use your time wisely.”

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