chapter 6

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The bright light pieces my eyes one again. When I adjusted to the light in the room my mother was sitting in the rocking chair parrelle to the door I walked through. She was reading a book called "disappear spells." I raised my eye brow at her.

" Where the hell where you?" My mother said with a tone full of hate.

" I got lost." I said looking at the ground.

" it's 11:00 fucking pm you have been missing for hours." My mom was creaming now with her bug eyes pooping out of her head.

" you wouldn't believe me '" I whispered.

" SPEAK UP HARMONY I'M DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR GAMES I WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOU WHERE... LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" My mother was screaming at the top of her lungs . I finally looked her in the eyes and told about being attacked almost being raped. But I didn't tell her about the man in the blue mask. My mom got up from her chair and stomped over to me. She punched in the face.... Hard. I feel backwards and hit my head on the bottom of the door frame. A painful yelp escaped my body as I held the back of my head with my heads.

" YOU ARE THE WORST LIAR EVER. I'M EMBARRASSED TO EVEN BE CALLED YOUR MOTHER BUT BY LAW I HAVE TO BE. BUT I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT WHEN YOU BECOME 18 IN THEER YEARS THAT YOU WILL BE OUT OF THIS FAMILY !SO FOR NOW ON I'M ONLY GOING TO LET YOU LI'VE HERE. YOU WILL NOT BE DOING ANYTHING YOU WON'T EVEN BE CALLING ME YOUR MOTHER . NOW YOU WILL BE CALLING ME MADAM . NOW GO TO YOU ROOM SLUT!" My mother talked down to me. I quickly got up still having my back of my head I rushed up the stairs tears streaming down my pale face. When I got up into my room I slammed my bedroom door and barried my face in my pillow and let the tears keep coming . Until I fell into a deep sleep.

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