Saturday, August 20th, 2011

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Saturday, August 20th, 2011

3:38 pm

Dear Diary,

School started a little over a week ago. There were four new kids in our class (Drew, Trent, Rebecca, and Bailey). Joe from Mrs. Lori’s class is now in ours. The kids that are back in Mr. Jack’s class for another year are Aaron, Josh {C.}, Josh {S.}, Jacob, Jake {J.}, Collin, and myself. Tyler and Ryan are the only ones who left.

I sit with Rebecca and Bailey, the other two girls in my class. They’re okay, I guess. They just … I don’t know. I guess I don’t get along with them as well as I get along with the guys. It’s not them, it’s me. (Ha! That sounded like a bad breakup scene!) They’re really nice to talk to every once and a while, but I prefer to hang with my monkeys.

I also have two classes a day with high school. The way that worked out was because I read my history book over the summer. So, I go to Mr. M’s for history, and because that’s at the same time as Mr. Jack’s special area, I go to special area wit the high school, too. This schedule also makes it very confusing to everyone on whether or not I’m in high school. (Which I’m not.)

It really took a few days before I got into the routine of “school”. It’s good to be back to learn and see my friends again, but it also gives me less time for writing. It doesn’t matter, though — not like my stories are going anywhere.

Did I mention to you that Sophie’s back at {school}? I have a feeling that I did … but it never hurts to refresh your memory, does it? Well, Sophie is loving school. She’s always a social butterfly. She’s also really smart. Mrs. Michelle has her working on addition! Awesome, isn’t it? Only Mrs. Michelle! She is a miracle-worker. Bless her. She loves Sophie to pieces, too, which gives her a plus in my book.

Yesterday, we had our first field trip of the year. We went to the Kentucky State Fair. Sophie loved it. She tried a corn-dog (but she only ate the breading) and ate a little container of cotton candy that I got her. Her and her sweets. : ) Adorable. I also got Nana a little diamond turtle necklace; and I got Jessica a gold dolphin necklace with her name engraved. She’s so gonna love it!

I really should clean my room so that Jessica can come over. Don’t you agree?

Well, I don’t have much more to say …

Wait! Yes I do! Did I tell you that Tate Publishing wanted to publish Death is Unpredictable? I’m having that dé jà vu feeling that’s saying that I did. Gosh, darn it! This is what I get for taking so long to write in you! Anyway, I’m not signing the contract. They’re asking for four-thousand dollars! That is outrageous! Who has that kind of money in this econemy? Nobody! That’s who!

Alright. I’m getting all worked up over nothing again.

I wonder if momma’s making dinner yet? She said it was spaghetti, which doesn’t take long to make. Probably not, then.

Well, just to be sure, I’m gonna go check …



4:13 pm

A Very Personal Entry From My Diary.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin