Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

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Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

9:12 am

Dear Diary,

I had one of the worst nights of my life. I couldn’t sleep. Well, I mean, I could, but I woke up, like, every five minutes. I guess my mom forgot to give me a sleeping pill last night. It doesn’t help that two nights ago I was up past midnight, and mom woke me up at nine o’clock so that I could watch Sophie.

I’m so tired!

The only good thing that came out of babysitting Sophie was that I finished Chapter Three of Undeniable, and I got the new Jason Derulo CD, Future History.

It’s so cold! I’m not joking. Apparently, they think that we don’t have a heater. We should have one. Of course, my pajamas aren’t helping.

Gosh, I hate periods. Like, seriously. They are nightmares. I’m constantly worrying that my pad is going to leak and stain something! I’m also extremely moody. I feel like I’m going to slap everyone across the face.

Did I ever tell you that I hate winter? It’s cold and ugly. I hate everything about winter. Winter is the ugliest season, in my opinion. All the animals either leave or go to sleep, and all the plants die! Of course, humans try to make up for the ugliness by decorating their yards and houses so much that it’s blinding. I also hate the cold. I can’t wear any of my favorite shirts! I can’t go outside! (I say that as if I’m always outside.) And it’s freezing!

There are only a few things I like about winter: Snow, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, getting to wear my Trinity jacket, Trinity football games, Hot Chocolate, and getting to eat lots of sweets.

See? I don’t like winter very much.



9:35 am

A Very Personal Entry From My Diary.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя