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Valerie sits on the couch, flipping through a book while she talks to Agnes, a witch. Over at the coffee table, Rebekah sits and types on a laptop.

"I told you already Agnes I feel great!" Agnes huffed clearly frustrated. "You're overdue for a checkup." She rolled her eyes then replied sassily. "What am I gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A girl pregnant with a werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here!" She heard a scoff and turned to Rebekah. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours."

Valerie gritted her teeth obviously ready to attack Rebekah with words before she was interrupted. "I know a doctor out in the Bayou, off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it." Valerie stood still as she thought through everything. "Fine! Bayou doctor it is."


"Your baby's heart rate is perfect." Valerie smiled happily. "I knew it, she's strong like her father." The doctor smiled "So who is the special man?" Valerie frowned quickly making up something. "Uh his name's Michael, we're not together though, well it's complicated."

"Sounds like something you should talk to him about." Valerie nodded thinking through it. "You know you're right, are we done here because I need to go tell him something." The doctor nodded enthusiastically. "Of course go."


Valerie had been looking everywhere for Klaus and had no luck. It wasn't until she felt a large sense of magic somehow. It must of been the baby.

She ran into the church and saw Davina standing opposite Klaus with an angry expression on her face. "If anyone tries to hurt anyone I care about, I'll kill them."

"Well, then. Sounds like you don't need Marcel at all. Perhaps you've suspected it all along. Your dear friend Marcel tricks you into doing his bidding, and all the while, you rot in an attic, alone, while young Timothy moves on with his life." Davina stares intently at Klaus, clearly angry, as she starts using her magic against him. "You feel that? That's your blood starting to boil." Valerie just stood there looking confused at the two. Klaus still hadn't noticed her but she didn't care in the moment.

"Such a shame to lose him, just as you found him again." He turns to Tim who Valerie didnt notice standing on a high up ledge. "And I really did admire your skill with that violin." Davina looked up at Klaus with a furious face. "Don't you dare hurt him!"
Klaus shook his head almost taunting her. "Oh, I hope I won't have to, sweetheart. But, then, that depends on you." Davina yelled out "Let him go now!"

"You should know, I don't do well with demands."

Davina thrusts her open hand out and twists it, using her magic to break the bones in his leg. Unfortunately for Davina it takes only a moment for Klaus to reset his bones and heal.

"Impressive. But you don't want to fight me, love. Innocent people have a way of ending up dead." Tim whispers from above "Please, let me go." Valerie looks up at him with a frown, there was nothing she could do. Klaus turned to Davina "Your choice, little witch. Swear allegiance to me alone and the boy lives. Stand against me-"

The candles behind her flare as Davina gets angrier. After a moment, she thrusts both hands in front of her and shrieks as she unleashes the force of her magic against everyone in the room. Her outburst causes the Bibles in the pews to be blown up, and a strong gust of wind blows the pages around the room as all the windows in the church shatter. The telekinetic force from the spell throws everyone violently toward the entrance. Even Davina is knocked backwards by the power of her own magic and thrown onto the ground.

It was then when Klaus saw Valerie being thrown back as he flashed towards her knowing she was only human. "Valerie!" He picked up her head and lightly placed in on his lap as he bit into his wrist feeding Valerie his blood so that she would heal. Valerie gasped as she woke up seeing Klaus looking at her with worry evident on his face. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw the small cut on her head heal and disappear.

She quickly sat up then regretted it as she felt a pang in her head from the hit. "Klaus?" He nodded "I love you" Klaus froze on the spot as his eyes widened at her confession. "What?" Valerie rolled her eyes "I said I love you." He just stared at her with admiration and Valerie sighed "I know it's hard for you to tell me if you do and that's okay." She smiled up at him whilst grabbing his hands. He nodded but sighed anyway "I do." Valerie sunk back into his body with a sigh of relief.

TROUBLESOME LOVE ( KLAUS MIKAELSON ) TWOTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang