Will Sparks Fly?

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Demi's POV:
So this is it. The last show of the Neon Lights Tour, also known as the last chance i will have to tell Lauren that I love her. My feelings have grown and grown for a certain emerald eyed girl. Over the past couple months, I've been able to see Lauren and her best and at her worst. When her boyfriend Luis cheated on her, she came to me for comfort. I sat there and held a broken girl in my arms, tears rolling down her face for hours, sobs escaping her mouth uncontrollably. At that moment I knew that I liked Lauren, and I would do anything in my power to protect her and make her feel loved 24/7. I've secretly been sending Lauren little gifts everyday such as yellow roses and mangoes, because I know how much she loves that dang fruit. Lauren has no idea it's me, because all of the gifts have been anonymous, except for the one tonight. I sent her a bouquet of Gardenias, which she told me that they reminded her of her first home she ever lived in. The card has directions to go to my tour bus, where I will be waiting to tell her the truth. The girls are performing right now and I'm stand side stage waiting to prank them with silly string. They started doing their Independent Women cover and we all ran on stage and started spraying them. I, of course, went to Lauren and started spraying her. "Ahhhhhh, Demi!" She tried to run away from me but I chased after her and picked her up spinning her around. The laugh that escaped her lips, was my new favorite sound, pure joy. I put her down and she hugged me only to grab the spray can from my hand and cover me in silly string. I just stood there pouting. "Aww babes, don't pout. You look so cute right now!" She awwed and I just stood there like a blushing idiot. After all that it was my turn to perform. My last song is Neon Lights, and I am a nervous wreck. Knowing Lauren she's probably already back on the bus, reading the card, and I am going to have to tell her I love her in like 20 minutes. Shit.

Lauren's POV:
I just finished showering and I was on my way back to the bus, excited to see if my "secret admirer" sent me something today. I put the code in 3-5-5-9 and walked up the steps to see a beautiful bouquet of Gardenias in the middle of the room. I was so happy! The smell brought me back to when I was younger and the good old days, I wish I could turn back time to those days, they were the best. I lifted the gardenias to my nose and reminisced on all the memories. I took the card from the top and it read "tonight I shall not hide, meet me on the main bus at 11pm" on the back was the code to the bus. I look at the time at it's 10:53, 7 minutes until I find out who my secret admirer is. But as much as I've loved getting these gifts over this tour, I don't know what I'm going to do when I find out who the person is, because, well I love someone else. A certain brown eyed, dark haired, clumsy, short, Latina. No not Camila! But Demi. The way her smile lights up a room and her presence is immediately noticeable because of her positive energy. Everything about her story and her as a person is so empowering. If only she knew. It's not 10:58 and I make my way over to the main bus. I punch in the code that was on the card and make my way inside. All the lights are off so I'm really confused. But then I see a shadow walking towards me. "Who are you! Please don't hurt me!" I hear the voice I feel in love with "I would never hurt you, baby girl" I felt her hand come up to my cheek and her lips graze mine. I could feel her breath on my lips, it was just a matter of who would lean in first. "I love you Lauren" and she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. Our lips moved slowly and passionately putting all of our feelings into one kiss. The typical fairytale kiss you hear about with the butterflies in your stomach and fireworks going off in your head, is what I am feeling right now. I felt like I was on cloud 9. The kiss was When breathing became an issue, we pulled away and she backed up and took my hand in hers and said "Lauren please be mine, ever since the night you came to me when Luis hurt you, I never wanted to see you hurt like that ever again, I promise to love you and protect you, if you will let me." We stood there in silence, mainly because I was so happy that the woman I love, loves me back. "Demi, I love you so much! I would love to be yours, and I promise to do the same for you." And we sealed our promise with a kiss.
I'm sorry that this was so bad. I've been really stressed lately. But I will update again soon if I can. I love you guys! Thanks for sticking with my crappy imagines😊
For @beanies4life


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