Allysus or Allysin(Y/n g!p)

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Ally's POV:

It's another Sunday morning, which means church day. Don't get me wrong I love God and I love my faith but when you're the Preacher's daughter, everyone expects you to be a little angel and never do anything wrong. There's eyes on you 24/7 and if I do one thing wrong, like take a sip of something alcoholic or take one hit of a joint, the whole town knows about it by the next day. It gets really aggravating. I just wish I could be myself. A girl who likes to party, a girl who likes to have sex, a girl who likes fucking girls. Yes I am a lesbian, but god forbid if anyone found out my family would disown me in seconds, simply because liking someone of the same sex is a sin.

But there is someone i have my eyes on. The town badass, Y/n Y/ln. She's everything that I wish I could be but I can't, not to mention she's also everything I've ever wanted. Every Sunday, she always walks in wearing her signature button up shirt and skinny jeans, displaying her not so little friend which God himself had given her,  and today was no different. I stare at her in awe as she walks in, lifting her sunglasses and placing them on the top of her head, but not before sending a wink my way. Trying to hide how flushed my cheeks became, the whole rest of the sermon was spent with the two of us sending each other glances and teasing each other as much as possible. Not thinking anyone was watching we continued our "little game", but we were so wrong.

After the sermon my father dragged me by the arm to the back of the church. I could tell my father was livid, then it clicked, he had witnessed the whole thing. "Allyson Brooke Hernandez. You are forbidden to see that girl! She is a no good, drug doing, alcohol drinking, lesbian. Stay away from her! Do I make myself clear?!" He growled, looming over me as I shook with worry. "Yes father, I won't see her. I'm sorry." I looked at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with him, knowing they'd be full of anger and disappointment.

"Good. Now I want you to stay here and overlook the sermon I've just given because you sure weren't paying attention during it." He handed me the bible with the pages marked and walked away, not another word said. By this point, no one was in the church except for me, everyone had gone to eat in the meeting hall. So my heart heavy I sat there for a good ten minutes reading over what he had given me.

"Hey!" A familiar voice spoke up, causing me to jolt up in my seat, unaware I wasn't alone. "Y/n you scared me half to death." I puffer, turning around and seeing the younger girl standing there with that signature smile of hers. "I thought you'd be hungry, so I brought you a bagel. Didn't mean to scare you, promise." She chuckled, offering me the food which I graciously accepted, my stomach growling as I woke up too late and skipped breakfast this morning

"Uh-h thanks!" I stuttered with a small smile before taking a bite of the bagel. "No problem. And I'm sorry for getting you into trouble with your father earlier! I didn't think anyone was watching." She apologised quietly, scratching the back of her neck, the unfamiliar look of nervousness clearly present on her face. "Don't beat yourself up, it's honestly fine, he'll get over himself one day." I walked up to her and hesitated before wrapping myself around her waist in hug, just to let her know it was truly okay.

But then I felt it, poking at my stomach, clearly eager and ready. "Y/n? Really? Here?" I hissed, pulling away from her before my gaze dropped down to the bulge in her jeans.  "I can't help it, you look really really good today. I know you want it as much as I do." She smirked, pulling me back closer to her as I softly pushed her away knowing my father had eyes everywhere. "We can't do it here, there is a chance that anyone could come in at any second....but I know a place we can go." I ended, her smirk growing as I reached out for her hand.

Taking it I started leading her down the halls we landed at the door that read "Preacher's office". I looked towards Y/n and she had the same smirk still from had minutes ago. "So my father "forbid" me from seeing you, so how about we leave him a special present in his office." I pulled Y/n into the office, pushing her roughly against the door, making sure to lock it before continuing. Not wasting any time I smashed my lips to hers, our tongues fighting for dominance, which she obviously won.

She pushed me into my fathers chair, spreading my legs, placing herself in the middle. She started her attack on my neck, leaving open mouth kisses until she found my sweet spot and she roughly began to suck on the skin as I let out a loud moan. "Fuck Y/n, that feels so good." I felt her smirk on my neck before she continued her decent downwards. She pulled back to peel off my dress leaving me in my bra and underwear. "Fuck you're so beautiful." she whispered, causing my cheeks to heat up.

Unclasping my bra and throwing it aside, she ducked her head and bit hard on my right nipple before sucking it roughly into her mouth. "Shit!" My breathe hitched in my throat, not used to the sort of pleasure she was causing. She wasted no time in giving the same treatment to the other nipple and got down on her knees. She slowly peeled of my underwear with her teeth, locking eyes with me the entire time. Placing gentle kisses against my inner thighs and near where I needed her the most but she always skipped over it, leaving me frustrated "Y/N stop fucking teasing me! Please!" And with that she began sucking on my clit and licking me up and down, without warning she enters two fingers into me curling them just right to hit that spot inside of me. Moving at such a pace that I could barely catch my breath, I screamed out her name as I reached my climax. "Fuck that was amazing" she stood up and kissed me, she smirked pulling back "you know you have such a dirty mouth for being the preachers daughter" she chuckled. "Yeah well you have a record for disobeying orders, so how about you fuck me senseless on this desk, and break some more rules?". She growled and she took off her jeans and boxers leaving her completely naked and she walked towards me. Rubbing the tip of her penis up and down my slit, causing shivers to go down my spine. "Y/n just do it. I need you now!" She slid into me inch after inch until she was completely inside of me. "Ughhh Ally you're so tight" she grunted, slowly moving in and out until she picked up speed and started pounding into me hard and fast. "Y/n! Harder! F-faster!" I could feel the familiar knot forming in my stomach and I could tell Y/n was getting close too. "Fuck Ally I'm gunna cum" "me too! Just let go!" we both reach our climax. I sat there while Y/n released ropes of her cum into me. All that could be heard was our panting and our racing heart beats. "Damn that was amazing! That'll teach dad a lesson" I laughed "Yeah it will babe! Let's get out of here and go back to my place! Maybe some cuddles after we smoke a few bowls?" She proposed "That sounds perfect baby"

They left with smiles on their faces and hand and hand. And that's the story of how Allysus became Allysin! :)

So this was one of the updates I had promised awhile back. But here it is! Sorry if it sucks! :(

Love you guys

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