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"You tell your parents yet?" Tyler asked me on video chat later that night. Of course he would ask that, and of course I hated answering.

I sighed and leaned back on the pillows in my room, "I told my mom."

He frowned, "But not your dad?"

"Babe, you know how my dad is," I tried to explain, "He's so protective and when you... you know, I was really torn up and he didn't take to that lightly."

"So basically he hates me now."

I bit my lip, "I wouldn't say..."

He gave me an unamused look.

"Okay, yes. He hates you... but can you really blame him?"

"No, I guess not," he muttered then looked back at the camera, "Look, I'm really really sorry about what I put you through. I hope you know that."

"I do, I do know that, but it may just take a bit of time to make him realize that," I told him. "He'll get over it. It'll just take time."

"Sure," he muttered bitterly, "He used to love me."

"And I'm sure he will again." I sighed, "Did you tell your parents?"

Tyler nodded, "Yeah, they were both okay with it. They basically love you."

I smiled, happy to be accepted again, "That's good."

"Mhm," he agreed on screen as someone knocked on my door.

I motioned for him to stay quiet as I called out to whoever was outside. "Who is it?"

"Just me, hon," Dad said, poking his head through the door, "Who're you talking to in here?"

"Oh, me?" I laughed awkwardly, "I was just talking with, um, Evan. Yeah, about recording later tonight."

"Oh, okay," he nodded, "Evan was always a nice kid. Much nicer than that ass you used to date. Why didn't you date Evan?"

I looked at him with wide eyes and tried to not show how flustered I was, "Um, I don't know Dad. I like Tyler."

"Used to anyways," he cleared up for me, "Anyways, I came up to tell you dinner was ready."

"Okay, thanks," I said through gritted teeth as he closed the door and walked down the stairs. I looked back down to the phone in my hand and looked at him sympathetically, "I'm so sorry about him."

Tyler shrugged, "I should've known he'd hate me."

I honestly didn't know what to say. It was true. Tyler messed up and although I've started forgiving him doesn't mean everyone else will. "Just give him time."

He nodded sadly, looking defeated, "Alright. I'll let you go eat."

"Talk to you later?" I asked.

"Sure. Bye (Y/N)."

"Bye, Ty." I clicked the red button on the screen and his sad face was replaced with the smiling photo of us in my contacts. I sighed deeply and hopped up so I could go downstairs.

I had to tell him tonight. I couldn't hide Tyler forever and I shouldn't have to. My dad was just going to have to get used to it, for me.

Keep Trying (I_Am_Wildcat x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora