Chapter Two

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I unwrapped my hands and sighed. The punching bag hung limp and beaten. Dropping the tape, I looked up to see Kato waiting at the door. He looked excited. "It's the ceremony." I felt my eyes widen. "Really?! Oh my gosh are we late?" I asked
"A little." he cringed.
"Why didn't you get me sooner?!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door in the direction of the amphitheater.

"Akira! Kato! Where were you?" Iris whisper-shouted.

"Sorry, we were at the training room." I apologized. Athena giggled and raised her eyebrows, 

"And what were you doing in there?"

"Ew." I blushed, dropping Kato's hand. I sneaked a glance at him and noticed he looked a little pink, too.

"Shh guys, it's starting," Jasper said. Roukan and Surrexit took the stage, along with many other angels I didn't recognize. Surrexit addressed the crowd, 

"As most of you know," he looked directly at us, "Today is the ceremony in which you will be given your wings and race. For a select few, even element and state of matter." This stirred up applause and whispers.

"Ok, let's start with the A's.... Aaron Clive." Aaron walked up onto the stage, beaming. Roukan bowed, placing his hands on Aaron's back. 

"I bestow you with the power over shadows." A black light shone out of his back where Roukan's hands touched. A pair of shimmering, charcoal colored wings formed, seemingly out of the shadows. At the same time, snake-like shadows swirled their way into his eyes. His once brown irises had turned a dark black and slate gray color. Aaron smiled ear to ear as he gave his wings a little flap. Although it was a warm, sunny day, his wings stirred up chilling air. Clapping ensued, and Aaron strutted back to his seat, clumsily folding his wings.

"Akira Harper." My name was met with clapping from the crowd. Apparently I was well liked. I smirked. I love my new life. Walking to the stage, my heart felt as if it were about to explode. Surrexit gave me a warm smile, his pink eyes glowing. As I walked past him he whispered, "It's a good one". I pondered this for a second. What? Does that mean mine is powerful? Oh God, I hope I like mine. You can't change yours, can you? What if I'm a rose angel? That's so lame.

"Akira, after two weeks of training and tests, I am proud to present you with not only an element, but a state of matter." My eyes widened. Isn't that really powerful? "Akira, you are granted with the Element Fire, and the State of Matter Plasma!" The crowd cheered and clapped as loud as they could. My heart fluttered and I felt my face break into an ear to ear grin. I was happy with what I got. In a state of disbelief, too. I thought I was just an average girl, and the chances of getting both a main element and a state of matter are slim to none. Come to think of it, fire has always interested me. Maybe that's how they decide what you get. Anyway, my wings were coming. And my new eye color. I wonder if my hair color will change. I like the blue, though. Blue kinda doesn't make sense since my element is fire. Eh, whatever. I felt Roukan's warm hands on my upper back, near the shoulder blades. I almost couldn't contain my excitement. I felt a tingly sensation, and felt the formation of muscles and nerves and bones that weren't there before. Soon, I looked behind me, and saw magnificent wings. They looked as if they were made of fire. Actually, they were made of fire. Just as a fire would shimmer and move, my wings did so. Even better, they didn't smoke, or burn in the slightest way. "Try to make the fire hotter and bigger." Surrexit said. I did so, and my wings blazed to life, making many people flinch and recoil from the heat I couldn't feel. "Now make them softer." On my command, the raging fire dulled down, looking the same but almost giving off no heat at all. People looked at me in awe. I stepped off the stage, folding my wings. They were actually really comfortable. Even though they were made of fire, they were as soft as any feather. Also, they didn't feel like they were on me. Pretty easy to forget about, I guess. Athena and Iris high-fived me. Kato smirked at me, while Jasper and Nash congratulated at me. "Akira, your eyes!" Iris gasped.
"What?!" I asked, suddenly on edge.
"They're red. And orange... and yellow" Iris started talking faster, "and crimson and gold and-" Athena cut her off. "They're like mini fires." Kato studied my new irises. "Yeah.." he said. Athena's eyes slowly rested on Nash as we all separately zoned out, waiting for someone else to be called.


"Athena Johnston." Athena snapped back to reality. I gotta stop doing that! One day I'm gonna get caught. She walked up to the stage with pride in her eyes. Surrexit smiled his pristine smile. "Athena, I proudly present you with not only the power over a main element, but a state of matter." Athena racked her brain. It can't be fire, Akira's taken that. I doubt I'll get earth. Hmm. Roukan grinned. He placed his large hands on Athena's back. Nothing happened. No light. No shininess. No nothing. The crowd was so silent you could hear each individual heartbeat. All of a sudden, a huge gust of wind practically knocked Athena over. Roukan shouted over the wind. "I present you with... Air! The state of matter Gas!" The atmosphere suddenly became as still as a photograph. Athena felt overwhelmed with joy. This was just what she wanted. Air was the most powerful element (at least, in her mind). Pair that with a state of matter, and BAM. Practically unstoppable. Roukan's hands reclaimed their spot on Athena's back. Still no light. No shininess. No color at all. Then, a tingly sensation. Muscles, tendons, bones, and nerves knit themselves into existence. A surge of relief washed over Athena. For a second she thought something wasn't working. When she looked behind her shoulder, she saw them. The longer feathers, the base feathers, were snow white. The shorter feathers were lightly speckled with light golden brown. The shortest feathers were the same gold-brown color. She gave them a little flap, stirring the air. Athena's hazel eyes were attacked by little tendrils of wind and were now practically white. They had basically become Akira's original eye color.


Iris' heart beat faster and faster as she stepped up on the stage. People were getting a little bored, seeing as though everyone lost interest once they got their own wings. Roukan placed his hands on Iris's back and said, "I bestow upon you the power over water! Not only a state of matter, liquid, but also a main element." Happiness flowed through Iris's veins. Deep down, she felt she always knew she would get water. The odd tingling feeling erupted where Roukan's hands touched, conjuring muscles and bones into existence. When she looked over her shoulder, a pair of deep blue wings met her eyes. Similar to Akira's hair, they were ombre. At the top, near the bone, the color was dark blue. As the feathers got closer to the ground, they got lighter. The very last row of feathers were silver, slightly shimmery. The comforting green color of her eyes had now morphed into blue. Her black pupils swam in the deepest, purest blue color one could imagine.

The park was one of the most beautiful places on campus. Iris and Jasper had decided to cloudgaze by one of the giant sakura trees. 

"I can't believe I'm an angel!" Iris laughed. She and Jasper had finally gotten some alone time. "How does it feel?" Jasper smiled.

"The same, pretty much. I can barely feel my wings." She said.
"They make you look even more beautiful than before," Jasper said. Iris felt herself turn red. She looked down, "Really?"
"Of course." he said. Is this really happening? Oh my gosh, I think we're gonna kiss. Iris thought. Jasper leaned in, his eyes fluttering, but bursting with love. Iris let herself lean forward. Just before their lips could touch, Athena burst in.
"Guys, we have a problem." She said, her wings spread, ready to take off.

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