Chapter Five

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Hey my lovelies! I've been trying to think of a good schedule for posting duing my exams, and I think what I'm going to end up doing is just pre-writing the chapters. However, if I do that, you guys won't  be able to change the near future of the book with your fabulous ideas. Let me know what you think.

I'm thinking of actually making this book a short story because it's been really hard for me to carry, just because of the story subject. I feel like I might even put Rebellious Wings on hold. I definitely won't delete it, but I'm thinking of taking a break from the book.

I've created a Strawpoll - a little poll - to see if you guys think I should focus on Just a Pinch and do three updates a week. Putting three updates a week WOULD eliminate one of the usual updates, so I'd be updating Just a Pinch once, twice, thrice. Every other day. Vote in the Strawpoll!

I hope to hear from some of you! Comment below if you want me to read your story!

Enjoy! It gets a little steamy. ;)



The dorms stood in front of us, tall, white, and majestic. Athena led the way to our room while Iris walked with me. When we got to the room, I collapsed on my bed with a sigh.

"You okay Akira?

"Yeah," I said to Athena. "I'm fine. Just thirsty. I'm gonna go tget some water from downstairs."

"'Kay," They echoed together. I pushed myself off the bed and nudged the door open with my shoulder. Humming to my self, I rounded a corner and low and behold I saw the person I'd been looking for. Kato. But there was something wrong; something seemed too perfect. My eyes widened when I saw Jordana, pushing Kato against the wall. She was draping herself on top of him, leaning in to kiss him and then pulling away, teasing him. He groped her and she giggled before jumping into a kissing frenzy. I felt sick. Almost immediatly after witnessing that, I tried to silently shuffle back. Kato put his hand on her hip, drawing her in closer. I couldn't, I wouldn't. I shuffled backwards, my Vans accidently squeaking on the shiny tile floor. Kato looked up this time, his jaw dropping when he saw me. Jordana must've taken his open mouth the wrong way, because she took her kisses from his jaw to his mouth, slowly flicking her tongue in and out. Kato turned and began to kiss her back while looking me dead in the eye. Something hurt. My stomach flip-flopped, something inside me falling endlessly. Something tumbling and turning, twisting and writhing under the sight of them together. I'd never felt this before but I knew exactly what it was. Heartbreak. Following classic movie scenes - the ones where the girl always makes the bad boy feel guilty - and put my right hand on my mouth. My eyes, brimming with tears cannot betray me because they're as sorrowful as my soul. The tears that were creeping at the edges of my eyes when he rejected me come back. Just one tear leaks out at first, leaving one clear track down the left side of my face. The tears are brimming and they spill silently down my cheeks. Kato's eyes, once dark with lust and desire, soften and become their light color once more. He begins to cry too, a small, significant trek, bumping over his cheekbone, tracing his jawline. 

"What's wrong darling?" Jordana purrs, moving in closer. She twirls her right leg around his left, revealing a slit on the side of her jean skirt. Kato is unaffected by the temptress now though, his only feelings remorse, the attraction gone. She kisses him, trying to take away his tears, but the salty raindrops pour out even more plentifully. She moves closer, grinding on him, her hands sliding up and down his bare chest, moving towards his lower regions. I shook my head and turned on my heel, but not before hearing Kato shout "Wait!" from behind me. 

In the dorm room, Athena and Iris comforted me, patting my back and soothing me. Athena wanted the same as before, but was more vengeful. Iris was now seeking revenge, but not intensely. She suggested we hide his shoes.

"How can he reject you and then make out with a slut? Seriously, it must be unsanitary how many tongues have been in her mouth." I smiled.

"Yeah. And why, out of all people, would Jordana choose Kato." Athena and I both stared at her like she was insane. "Okay, well I get that he's really attractive and all, but I still don't think he's as cute as Nash." I grinned, teasing her about her crush. 

"Yeah, we all know what you find so attractive about him." Athena wiggled her eyebrows and I fell back on the bed, holding my stomach to stop myself from guffawing. We gossiped late into the night, and more than once, I saw a figure appear outside near our balcony in the garden. Just the shine of his eyes told me it was Kato.


Blood pumping. Pulse racing. D!ck rising. After I left Akira, I heard that she'd been miserable. I wanted to go to her, to comfort her and tell her I was sorry and that I wanted her. Not just that, but I also liked her, thought she was pretty and smart and sarcastic and just....just....perfect. I needed something to take her off my mind so I decided to take up Jordana's offer of a make out session in the dorm halls tonight. She kissed me and I felt myself getting a b0ner. We kissed, not passionately, but lustfully. I ran my hands down her body, groping her, teasing her. I just needed to get Akira off my mind. She was there, in all my hopes, all my dreams. Then there was a squeak. My vision blurred, my heart pounded, my erection stopped. Akira. My jaw dropped and Jordana carried her mouth to mine, her tongue flicking back and forth in my mouth, doing a dance. 'Akira's not here. It's just your imagination.' I told myself. Jordana started to whine so I went back to kissing her and feeling her warm body, but still staring at what turned out to be the actual, physical Akira. She started crying and I felt the lust leave my eyes. 

"What's wrong darling?" Jordana curls around me, her leg intertwined with mine. My mouth stopped working. Stopped. Everything stopped as Akira shook her head and ran, turning the corner back towards her dorm.

"Wait!" I called. Jordana turned but Akira was too fast. She'd disappeared like lightning. 

"Kato, sweet. Why? Do you want to go somewhere else? We could go to my dorm. It has all we need." She flashed a smile. I shoved her away from me and followed the path of misery Akira left behind her. I reached the end of her trail of tears, pausing outside her dorm only to hear laughter. All through the night, I stood outside her dorm balcony, wanting her to come out. She never did.

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