Chapter Four

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Hey guys. It's definitely been a while. I decided I'd start writing these messages before I wrote the story just to tell you guys what's going on. So um....I don't really have anything going on. However, I do have someone whose works I've been reading and they are AMAZING so I just wanted to give a small, surprise shout out to . She's the author of Maid in Lace and Match Maid in Hell(a spin-off of Maid in Lace). I'm not going to say anything about the actual books, however, those are just two of the many of hers I have in my library. They are currently private but I'm going to put them up in My Library soon.

Also, some of you might have noticed I changed my username! I just wanted to let you know just in case you can't see the chapter or whatever, but if you can't, unfollow, remove the book, then refollow and re-add the book to your Library or wherever it was.

I'll be posting an update schedule in my bio sometime in the very near future(look for it before Tuesday) and I'll talk to you soon!


P.S. If you have anything you want to talk to me about, PM me and I'll respond ASAP. Love ya!


"What are we doing in here?" Kato pushed me roughly up against one of the padded walls in the gym.

"What did you think you were doing?"

"When?" I raised my eyebrow at him and tried to push him off, only succeeding in making him grip me tighter.

"When you were talking to Jordana. Do you ever think before something comes out of your mouth? She could seriously hurt you."

"Not sure if you noticed, but you weren't really helping yourself. And I can take care of myse-"

"No you can't." I drop my jaw in shock and place a hand on my hip, trying to maintain my sass.

"Of course I can take care of myself. I mean, I've been living in an angel academy for like, a month now. And before I moved here I lived on my own for like, three years."

"But you didn't slap her."

"And I should've?"

"Obviously. She was being awful."

"Well pardon me for not wanting to get h0e on my hands." Kato chuckled. 

"You got her there." I nudged him with her shoulder, causing him to stumble. I let out a laugh, the bell-like noise echoing through the empty gym.

"So why'd you bring me here?" Kato's cheeks reddened, his nose scrunching slightly. He turned away from me. "Kato?" I put her hand on his shoulder. He whipped around, causing me to fall back onto my butt, landing on the hard, polished wood.

"Leave." His voice had never been so cold.

"K-kato? I-is something wrong?" I stuttered, picking myself up off the floor.

"I said leave!" He shouted. I backed up, terrified. But I had to put on a brave face and return him to sanity. Something was wrong and I wasn't leaving until he told me. 

"Kato, something's very wrong with you and you're going to tell me what this is about right now." I stood my ground, planting my feet shoulder-width apart, my hands on my hips. Kato started panting like an animal, his rugged breaths the only sound in the otherwise empty training room. Everything was silent. Other than Kato's heavy breathing, there was no noise. I started pacing. Back and forth, back and forth. Left to right, left to right. Door to wall, door to wall. I was pacing for ages, ten to twenty minutes passed.

"I-I..." Kato spoke and I stopped, silent in my tracks.

"Kato..." I walk towards him slowly, my hand outreached. He was an animal, a dangerous animal, wounded and afraid. He faced me and took a menacing step forward. His calloused hand went under my right arm and rested on my shoulder blade. I tripped forwards into him and landed, my hands on his chest. His eyes grew dark, a craving hidden in his pupils. His left hand on my waist, he yanked my in, setting a warm kiss on my lips. Suddenly he pulled away, leaving my lips tingling and desperate for more. He kicked the punching bag and swore under his breath. Those hands - the beautiful calloused hands that had just caressed me - they ran through is shaggy blonde hair, his fingers snagging on tangles as he swore on and on under his breath. "Ka-"


"Kato!" I scream. "What the hell is wrong with you now?!"

"I kissed you - that's what's wrong!"

"That didn't feel wrong.....that felt, I don't know, right."

"No! Not right! I told myself I wouldn't let myself like you but I obviou-"

"What's wrong with me that you don't want to like me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you!"

"Then why don't you like me? Why can't you let yourself?!" There were tears, streaming down my face. Shaking his head, Kato walked out, the door slamming behind him. That's when I broke down. I don't know how long I sat there on the gymnastics mat, but I sat there. I cried so much that I was afraid I was going to drown in the salty water. I don't know when or how, but Athena and Iris came to me, patting my back and asking what happened. I was ashamed that I had cried in front of them. I never cried. Once in a while, when I'd break down all over again, Athena and Iris would share a look. It was a look of concern, pity, misery, and devestation. There was confusion in that look as well, but when they finally sobered me out of my sadness enough to talk. I told them what had happened. Iris felt sorry for me and even though she tried to tell Athena it would work itself out, she was furious. Athena wanted to find Kato and talk sense into him. By "talk" I mean "beat."

"Let's go find him," Athena said.

"No!" Iris feigned away just at the thought. "There's probably a logical reason why he doesn't want to go anywhere near her!"

"Who ever said he didn't want to go near her?"

"That's what it sounds like."

"You guys!" I shouted, gathering their attention. "It doesn't matter. If he isn't interested, he isn't interested. Maybe I should just keep my distance."

"Hah!" Iris boasted. "I told you." Athena ignored her.

"What about training? I'm with Nash and Iris has to go out for field training with Jasper."

"You could train with Surrexit," Iris perked up when she said this, acting as if she'd just suggested the most genius idea.

"Ew no," I scoffed in disgust. "He's such a goody-goody."

"And he likes you." Athena wiggled her eyebrows and grinned when I shook my head violently. Brushing away the remains of the tears, I stood up and we walked over to the dorms.

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