Chapter Seven

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Hallo! It has been quite a while since I've written this story so I thought I'd continue it. When you're all seeing this(if you read this as soon as I update it), I'll be in Puerto Rico, but I'm writing it while I'm on the plane. This is on my phone because I couldn't bring my computer, so if there are any grammatical mistakes or typos, let me know in the comments and I'll fix 'em.

As for life news, I have lots exciting news. Well, for me it's exciting. I don't know if ye care about my life, but I care about yours and would LOVE to hear more about all of you. Anyways, for me, it's a big step, but I'm starting to think about what I want to do with my life. It started because my boyfriend asked that if we had enough money if I'd want to move into an apartment with him(this would be in the future.) But anyways, thinking about what I want to do with life, I just started thinking about them. I've noticed I've become more frugal and have been saving up a ton of money(this was before he asked about the above.) And......yeah. I'm excited about that. Also, for those of you who didn't know, I'm going to Puerto Rico for three and a half weeks and then I'm visiting my cousins in the U.S. for a week and a half. So......EXCITING!

Onto the chapter; Enjoy my lovelies!


The door to our most used room closed behind us and Kato held me close. I was overwhelmed by so many sensations. Firstly, I inhaled his cologne, fresh and arousing. The feeling of his muscular arms around me made me feel safe forever. His abs, bare and strong, were the perfect. My curves fit onto his body, a gap left where my breasts touch his chest.
"I missed you so much Akira......" Kato leaned in and kissed my neck, sucking slightly before pulling out to finish his sentence. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He leaned in to kiss my again but I blockaded my face with my crossed arms. 

"Kato, those words mean literally nothing to me. You can apologize as many times as you want - and believe me when I say you're forgiven - but just the sight still hurt."
"I know, and that's why I'm apologizing. Because I feel awful about it and want you back."
I laughed. 

"Back?" I scoffed. "I was never yours to begin with." Kato gently but forcefully lifted my arms with one strong, calloused hand and, pinning me against the wall mat with his body, stuck them above my head. My wrists were crossed, my white crop top lifted showing the under wiring of my nude bra at the slightest shift of movement. Taking note of that specific detail, Kato tried to shake me around as much as possible while kissing me. His tongue - flicking against my teeth - begged to gain access to what I had locked behind the white, minty pearl doors. After some time, I gave up and tilted my mouth open slightly. Seeing the opportunity, Kato maneuvered his tongue, wrestling mine in endless bliss and lust. I gave up when I tired and Kato's firm grip on my wrists loosened and eventually faded, leaving my arms free. As soon as they were released and relaxed, my arms wrapped themselves around him, my fingers entangled in his hair. Kato pulled back and I moaned miserably, wanting more of his love.

"Akira.......I...I love you." Pulling away, I gasped and allowed tears to well in my eyes for what seemed like the billionth time that day. " you love me too?" Kato looked at me with such intensity that I though I'd explode. 

"No." The word came out and before I could explain what I meant, Kato backed away and swore before kicking the punching bag. 

"Damn it. I should've known. You probably have some guy back on Earth and here I was thinking I could just---"

"Kato!" I shouted, grabbing his attention. Clearing my throat I said, "Kato, I don't love you because I......I don't k-know" He slowly walked to me before cradling me in his arms. 

"Then let me show you, Akira. And let me love you like nobody had before."

"That won't be very hard to do seeming as no one's ever loved me before," I joked, shrugging off my tears. 

"That can't be true. I know about your family so I don't question it there but what about your friends? What about Iris and Athena? They love you." I raised my eyebrow. "Well, not like that, but they love you like a sister."

"Speaking of Iris and Athena," I said while slinging my arms over his shoulders and neck, "You'll need to get to know them better if you're going to meet your job requirements."

"Requirements? What job?" Kato cocked his head to the side like a lost puppy. 

"Your job as my boyfriend of course." I winked at him before he picked me up and swung me around in the middle of the gym. We both laughed hysterically. 

"You mean it?" I nodded ferociously, kissing him. "Then you have to get to know Jasper and Nash better, agreed?"

"Agreed." Kato spun me around again before dropping me to the floor and conquering me in a push-up position. 

"I love you so much," he growled through a kiss. 

"Ooo, I need to get you to talk like that more often. It's so sexy," I teased. 

"For you, anything."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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