Chapter Three

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We were walking to the park to hang out, talk, and eat some food. Basically to have a mini party celebrating the receiving of our wings. As we sat down, a girl approached us. As she got closer, I recognized her as Jordana Walker, a lightning angel. Kato stood up to greet her. 

"Kato! I need to talk to you real quick." She said eyeing me up and down, looking disgusted. 

"...bitch" I muttered under my breath. Kato walked off with her. Once they were out of earshot, Jordana started muttering to Kato. She put her hand on his shoulder and stepped up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. They both glanced in my direction and Jordana ran her hand down to his chest. She leaned in and up, kicking up her right foot. 

"Ugh." I sighed, getting up. I stretched and walked over to them just in time to hear Jordana say, 

"You know, you could always skip training with that brat. We could play hooky." Her face lifted with a smile but her smirk fell into utter humiliation when she saw me peeking over Kato's shoulder. Kato, noticing her gaze, followed it and dropped his jaw when he saw me.

"Uh...umm..." Kato stuttered and I raised my eyebrows. I was busy trying to sass Kato that I just barely noticed Jordana creeping away.

"Come back here." She spun around and put on a mean grin. I've seen it before and I know exactly where. In the mirror.

"What do you want?" For a minute I just stood there, looking dazed and thinking of a comeback. "You know what forget it. I don't have time for this."

"Like you have time for anything when you're trying to haul your fat ass around campus." She stopped and Kato laughed,

"Damn. For someone so young you've got an attitude."

"That's nothing. You should've heard what I said to the jerks at my old school." Memories flew into my head, flooding my vision. I snap back when I remember my comeback to Kato. "And I'm not that young. I'm seventeen, only one year younger than you."

"You're still young."

"I turn eighteen in three weeks and four days." Jordana lifts her gaze and walks forwards, creeping up on me like a lion, stalking its prey. 

"Your birthday is the 24th?"

"Yeah...." Akira subconsciously backed up against Kato, resting her head on his shoulder. It was only when Kato put his arm around her shoulders and onto her waist when Akira noticed. She blushed and when Jordana noticed, she stepped forwards.

"Of June?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Oh goody," Jordana smiled a Cheshire cat smile. "We have the same birthday."

"Oh goody," Kato frowned. "You're going to throw a huge party."

"Yeah, but this year there won't be anyone supervising us." Jordana sidled up beside Kato and bumped him slightly, causing Akira to trip and fall. She slyly smiled up into his eyes and said, "Like I said. No one supervising." Kato pushed away from her and walked to Akira, who had gotten up. 

"You okay?" 

"You okay?" Akira snorted. "Since when have you cared?" Kato blushed and grinned. 

"Come on. We've gotta get back to training."

"But we don't have-" Kato covered Akira's mouth with his hand. Kato walked her to the training room like that, and only when they were inside did Kato move his hand. He peeked around the corner and bolted the door closed. Akira's heart fluttered and something in her head kickstarted an image that she shouldn't have been thinking about. But she couldn't push it away.

"Kato, we don't have training." He nodded, his head against a wall, right hand up next to it, in a stereotypical movie pose. He looked different that way. It was like all his swagger had dropped away, revealing a shy, boyish character that Akira had never seen before. He didn't move or say anything so Akira asked,

"Why did you bring me here?"

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