Chapter Six

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Okay. Some of you may not be expecting to have this chapter out, but the poll was even. 50% of you said you wanted me to continue the book and 50% of you said I shouldn't continue this book so I made the initial decision. I wanted to involve all of you and I'm 100% sure I got some people who double-voted. Anyways, here's the chapter for ye. 

Also, sorry it's so short, it's just that my house's WiFi literally died and this is written using data on my phone. On the plus side, a double update today!

Let me know if you have any suggestions for either of the two stories I'm currently writing, comment or PM me. I need some ideas!



(Not edited)


It'd been two weeks since I'd seen Kato with Jordana and the sting still hadn't worn off. I managed to avoid him most of the time, but training became an issue. It was more Kato trying to get close enough to touch me and me sprinting away though. On the plus side, I really boosted my running speed. I hadn't gained a lot of confidence when it came to flight, so I never tried to fly away. Today that changed though.

"Good morning Akira," Kato came up from behind me in the courtyard, something he'd never tried before. I went to run, but his hands were placed firmly on my shoulders, stopping my from going anywhere. He'd caught me. Wrapping his arms around me, Kato enclosed me in a cage, his key hard against my hamstring. So I did what any bird would do. I flew. I had to work myself up to get my wings extremely hot so Kato'd back away. I thought of him and Jordana together, in the hallway. I remembered her teasing him, leaning in, putting her cleavage on display. Instead of what actually happened, I try to imagine Kato peeling off her clothing, one article at a time. That did it. 

"Ouch!" Kato shouts, releasing me. Free, I soar up and out of the courtyard. He quickly follows, fast enough that I can see his wings blur with motion. I'm high above the tree tops and I've never felt so free. Once Kato's far above the clouds, I slow, gradually dimming my wings. Kato comes to me, his wings fluttering, the breeze rustling his hair. That's when the fire goes out. I drop. I hear Kato's wings flap as he tries to rush after me, but gravity is more my friend than his. I'm just above the treetops and my wings burst back to life at my command, ceasing my descent. Perched on a branch near the middle of a thickly leafed tree, I see Kato land about three yards away. I hold my breath, not wanting to reveal my hiding place. When he starts to walk away, I giggle. I feel like a child again, playing hide and go seek and being the last one there, the seekers completely oblivious that I'm near them. My wings grow happy at the memory, a single ember flaring up before fluttering down to the ground with a "tss" noise. Kato turns. Desperately trying to calm my fire, I step backwards in my awkward crouch. At first I think I have my footing, but I'm wrong. My black converse misses its mark, sending my flailing. I hit no branches, but am enclosed warmth. I bathe in the glory of my luck, thinking I've landed on a picnic blanket. It's only when I jolt that I realize I'm not wrapped in a picnic blanket, but in Kato's arms.

"Akira......" he gives me a look that makes my heart melt. I almost want to forgive him. Almost. Pressing my hands against his chest, I find the warm spot I'd been resting myself on. My fingers dance over his chest, the burn my wings caused stinging me as much as it must sting him.

"Kato...I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"Akira, it doesn't matter. I did worse to you." My eyes well up just at the thought. "No Akira! Don't cry!" His hand wipes away the tears that have begun gushing out of my cheeks. He pulls me close to my chest and holds me tight, keeping me in embrace all the way to the training room.

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