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It wasn't long until he was heading back to the wwe, but it felt like a lifetime. And honestly, all he was was nervous. It sounded strange. The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, nervous? That was laughable. Although he wanted to back, there was something that he didn't want to face. And that something is actually a someone;Hunter.

His old best friend Hunter. The man who helped him reek havoc to the wwf. The man he had fallen in love with. Ever since the day he blew his leg and back out, the day his addiction grew worse, the two haven't talked.

For weeks, the talk was going on that Shawn was going to have to retire. Hunter had tried to talk to him at the time, console him because he was hurt, and just be there for him.

Shawn could still recall the look of disappointment on Hunters face when he was told he had to retire due to the injuries. On his own he was disappointed enough, and Hunter put him into a spiral. Wrestling was his love, his passion, his life. It had brought him amazing things, it was what brought him to Hunter. And everything was being ripped away from him just like that. How was that fair?

It just kept crashing down on him.

Even though he wasn't there anymore, the rumors had still gotten to him. And from that point it was only weeks before it was public on T.V. Hunter and Stephanie were in a relationship. From that, Shawn couldn't deny that he deserves the best. He was an amazing, funny, talented, and absolute perfect human being.

And that was Shawns fault. He was the one who had left Hunter, he left the company. But Hunter didn't ever try to get contact him, not even to see how all of his surgeries went. Then again, Shawn didn't try to contact him either. Hunter was disappointed in him, Shawn knew that, and he couldn't handle facing that.

Little did he know that Hunter was always ready to accept him back with open arms. In Hunters eyes, there was nothing to forgive.

It was selfish, and even narcissistic really, that Shawn figured that Hunter could never find anyone better than him. It was unfair to resent Stephanie the way that he does. He had thought, he had wanted for Hunter to come back to him, telling him that he found nothing but heartbreak and misery. Maybe then he would need Shawn. Or maybe Shawn lost that chance when he walked out of the door.

God, Shawn missed Hunter so much. Everything about him, even the small things. He missed sharing a hotel with him when they were on the road. He missed seeing him practically daily. He missed the long road trips. He missed staying up late talking about anything and everything.

When he left, he didn't just lose a lover, no, he lost his best friend. But maybe Hunter never even saw it that way. Perhaps it was all just Shawn. For all Shawn knew, he could have loved him, like he said he did, but not the way that he needed him to, not that he was in love with him. Now, whether that love was there or not, it certainty wasn't now. He had her.

Shawn was at a rough spot for a long time there, completely rough. His injuries, his worsening addiction, everything just fell through. People asked about it a lot, and all he could do was bring it in him to smile, or try to. His mother would clock him right away, he couldn't lie to her.

He cursed himself as he wiped away the tears that he just began to notice were falling. He had thought his days of crying about it were done.

As he pulled in, he recognized what car was Hunters, he couldn't even forget that, and made sure to park as far away from that as possible. He shut the car off and stared off for a second trying to get his breathing into check. He could do this, he had to do this.

He looked at his reflection, having to laugh. How ironic. Here he was, the one who was heartbroken.

Sighing as he wiped his eyes one last time, he pulled his hair back, and picked up his lucky white cowboy hat from the passenger seat. Then he was opening the door and leaving.

It was time for the insecure Michael Shawn Hickenbottom to become the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

In the end, Shawn was jealous. He was jealous of anything and everything. He was jealous of the rain, the wind, of Hunter, of Stephanie. But most of all, he was jealous of the way that hunter was happy without him.

HBK and HHH: A Series Of One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now