At in interview today Zayn Malik announced that he and, model, Harriet Styles are dating. Which sent loads of the R&B singers fans in a frenzied  Twitter rant some saying they don't agree with the singer dating the 21-year-old model while others say that they are happy for the couple.
According to Malik the two have been dating for a little over a year .
Although we are sad that Zayn is no longer single. We are happy to hear that he's dating someone who he seems to be a good match with . We can't wait to hear more from the hottest couple in the music and fashion  industry today.

Harry says reading the article out loud as Niall , her make up artist, does her foundation.

"Hottest" Niall says laughing finishing up Harry's foundation .

"We are the hottest"Harry says turning her iPhone 6s off.

"Okay love" Niall says.

Harry laughs and says "all his fans probably hate me now"

"I see it "Niall says grabbing Harry's chin so she'll keep her face in one place.

"Hey"Harry says"I'm not that bad"

"Yea but people don't know that and it's not like they actually know the real you,so to his fans they have no reason to respect you or his decision to date you" Niall says going to grab a brush off the vanity  "they could think it's some publicity stunt for both of you to get more famous"

"It's not though we really love each other"Harry says frowning a little.

"I know it's not but it's not like his fans or your fans know you guys on a personal level,  they only get to know what the media puts out , and they'll think it's fake probably you know how many people in this industry date just for fame" Niall says" I've met a lot of them doing what I do,  you know before I was your makeup artist"

"Yea I get it"Harry says worried expression still painted on her features.

"But hey look don't worry about it okay" Niall says making Harry look at her "you guys love each other and you don't have to prove that to anyone but each other"

"Okay thanks Ni "Harry says patting Niall's hands . Harry liked Niall she always had something smart to say like she understood every problem you were going through.

"Yea no problem can't have you ruining your makeup before the photo shoot"Niall says laughing lightly when Harry makes a face at her.

"Whatever are you almost done" Harry asks this photo shoot was one of the few reasons she was in LA. It was the biggest one she'd ever done and it'd take 4 days the first location was here at this studio.

"Yea then you can put the clothes on "Niall says focusing on finishing Harry's makeup.

Zayn comes into Harry's  dressing  room laughing lightly  at something on his phone.

"Hey baby" Harry says when she sees Zayn's reflection in the mirror .

"Hey love" Zayn says walking over to Harry's makeup chair and  kissing her cheek only to be slapped away by Niall.

"You're going to mess up my hard work" Niall says handing Harry the lipstick.

"Harry looks pretty without any makeup"Zayn says rolling his eyes.

"Whatever Zayn shut up I'm trying to do my job" Niall says starting to clean up all her makeup products.

"Aww Niall don't get mad at Zayn"Harry says poking Niall's stomach,  Niall slaps Harry's hand away.
"Just put that lipstick on and then you'll be done "Niall says. "Okay"Harry says looking at herself in the mirror and putting on the lipstick " why are you here love"

" I thought I could surprise you, I'll leave if you want me to" Zayn says faking hurt and sitting down on the couch

"No I didn't mean it like that I just thought you were busy today weren't you with Louis " Harry asks turning around to look at Zayn.

"I was but he was busy so we're going to start writing tomorrow " Zayn says 

"Harry, Zayn, Harriet,  Zayn"  a bunch of paparazzi say as Harry and Zayn are walking out of the studio into the black escalade. Not looking at any of them holding hands tightly.

The flashing of the cameras never really bothered Harry. Couldn't really with her being a model the thing that bothered her was that they would always put the camera in your face.
She never understood why they did that.

"Harry,  babe" Zayn says waving a hand in front of Harry's face when they're in the car.

"Oh sorry , I was thinking " Harry says smiling at Zayn, pressing her back into the leather seats  trying to relax

"About" Zayn asks,  he was a little worried about Harry , she always over thought things and it wasn't the best when she did.

"Nothing important" Harry says intertwining hers and Zayn's hand.

"Okay" Zayn says smiling down at her while she lays her head on Zayn's shoulder.
What do you guys think about Zayn and Harry?


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