"I'm so fucking done" Harry says dropping her phone down on her lap and rubbing her temples.Her and Zayn were on the way to the airport when she read what that stupid magazine said about her .

"What's wrong love " Zayn says from beside her putting one hand in her hair and playing with it.

"It's just why do people always assume shit. I can't even go out with friends cause that means I'm cheating on you or our relationship is fake like how does that even make fucking sense." Harry sighs rubbing her eyes probably smugging her make up "I'm just so fucking over it we should've just never said anything about our relationship it was all a big mistake"

"That would've been harder no on both of us I mean " Zayn asks grabbing Harry's chin and making her look up at him .

"Yea I guess but Zayn all they do is write bullshit after bullshit about me" Harry says

"Exactly that's all it is bullshit " Zayn says smiling at her and caressing her cheek "now come on smile my queen has to be happy "

"You're sweet and I love you " Harry says smiling and pecking Zayn's cheek.

"I love you too" Zayn says before kissing her the kiss quickly turns heated with Harry ending up on Zayn's lap and his hands ending up her shirt playing with her boobs.

"Mr.Malik, Ms.Styles " Someone says clearing their thoart which made the couple stop kissing and look at the source of the noise "we are at the airport I'll give both of you a minute to compose yourselves "

" Umm thank you" Zayn says before the security guard closes the door again

"Oh my God " Harry says laughing and resting her forward head against Zayn's

"Well I can't wait to see thoses pictures " Zayn says laughing and pulling his hands out of Harry's shirt

"You know fuck them if they don't think we are really together after this"

"You're right you make me so happy babe" Harry says smiling and getting off of Zayn

"That's what I'm here for" he says.


Are Zayn and Harry calling it quits? Even though a month ago Malik and Styles were photographed making out on their way to the airport and seen together happily roaming the streets of London a couple days after that.

It looks like that was it for the couple though they weren't seen together after.

Neither was Harry seen wearing her engagement ring while she was out shopping with friend and make up artist Niall Horan. Malik hasn't been seen with the model either. He hasn't been seen anywhere around her since he was caught leaving her apartment 2 weeks ago.

Which we find a little weird cause the couple looked like they were attached at the hip and now the aren't.

None of the two have deleted anything of the other off of each others social media. So there's no need to panic yet.

What do you guys think is going on?



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Pictures (Zarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora